
Detecting new line in codemirror

故事扮演 提交于 2020-01-14 03:39:06
问题 Is there any way to detect a newline in codemirror editor, either when user hits enter or a line of code wraps? p.s: in the screenshot attached 3 new lines are created by user hitting enter key (228, 229, 230), and one line (between 229 and 300) is created because of line wrapping. screenshot here: 回答1: Catching the enter key is built into the api. var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"),

CodeMirror : how to limit height in editor

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-01-04 02:41:09
问题 I am using codemirror to show some code on a webpage. But when I initialize the codemirror editor, the height of the editor is way more than the number of lines in the code. Please see this fiddle or below image to understand what I am saying Below is the code to create the codemirror editor. var myCodeArea = document.getElementById("codeArea"); var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(function(elt) { myCodeArea.parentNode.replaceChild(elt, myCodeArea); }, {value: myCodeArea.innerHTML, lineNumbers:true,

How to hide/unhide codemirror

三世轮回 提交于 2020-01-03 15:33:21
问题 I want to hide/unhide a codemirror instance completely. Is there any predefined method doing that, or do I need to somehow select the div and make it hidden. 回答1: according to the documentation, CodeMirror's main editor object has a method that returns to you the main wrapper DOM element. cm.getWrapperElement() From there, you should be able to just hide the element like you would hide any html element. 回答2: Building upon Lochemage's answer, the following code will perform hide/show of

Does codemirror provide Cut, Copy and Paste API?

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-01-03 08:52:42
问题 From, I only find getRange() , undo(), redo() etc, and I can't find cut(), copy() and paste API, and more when I try to run editor.execCommand("cut") , I get the error. Could you help me? Thanks! 回答1: Using clipboard.js, you can define the text() function to grab the value of the CodeMirror's inner document. Store a reference to the ( <textarea> ) editor's selector for convenience. var editorSelector = '#editor' // or '#editor + .CodeMirror'; Instantiate

How do I edit CodeMirror with Selenium in Python?

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-02 07:42:11
问题 I keep getting the error message below every time I try to insert text into CodeMirror on my webpage. Does anyone know how to successfully edit codemirror with selenium? WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: Cannot read property 'setValue' of undefined This is my Selenium-Python code def click_component_script_editor(self): driver = self.driver line18Edit = self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//html//div[@class='CodeMirror-line']//div[18]/pre[1]") driver.execute_script("arguments[0]

Codemirror content not visible in bootstrap modal until it is clicked

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-01-02 00:48:17
问题 I am using codemirror 3 with bootstrap. In my bootstrap modal, there is a textarea, and i am replacing it with codemirror. I am using task_name_editor.setValue('initial value') to initialise codemirror with an input. The problem is that the content is there, but it is not visible until it is clicked or any key is pressed while it is focused. I tried Marijn's answer to a similar question, but i don't know where to place task_name_editor.refresh() I tried placing it where i show the modal - $('

JavaScript / CodeMirror - refresh textarea

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-28 15:35:36
问题 How do I use the refresh function from CodeMirror 2? refresh() If your code does something to change the size of the editor element (window resizes are already listened for), or unhides it, you should probably follow up by calling this method to ensure CodeMirror is still looking as intended. I want to refresh all textareas after a link is clicked I tried $('.CodeMirror').each(function(){ getElementById($(this).attr('id')).refresh(); }); but it doesn't work.... 回答1: The refresh method (just

JavaScript / CodeMirror - refresh textarea

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-28 15:35:21
问题 How do I use the refresh function from CodeMirror 2? refresh() If your code does something to change the size of the editor element (window resizes are already listened for), or unhides it, you should probably follow up by calling this method to ensure CodeMirror is still looking as intended. I want to refresh all textareas after a link is clicked I tried $('.CodeMirror').each(function(){ getElementById($(this).attr('id')).refresh(); }); but it doesn't work.... 回答1: The refresh method (just


旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-28 02:03:51
1、安装 npm i summernote 2、创建页面显示区域 <div id="content"></div> 3、加载的时候进行初始化 js中引入 import 'summernote/dist/summernote' import 'summernote/dist/summernote.css' 使用的时候初始化方法: $('#content').summernote({ height: 150, // set editable area's height codemirror: { // codemirror options theme: 'monokai' } }) $('#content').summernote('code', item.content) 获取文本框内容: const content = $('#content').summernote('code') 效果如下: 大功告成,大家有问题可以私信我或者直接在下方回复 来源: CSDN 作者: 干掉熊猫我就是国宝++ 链接:

Adding/removing values into/from Codemirror from a Checkbox

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-25 14:11:29
问题 So I check normalize to add normalize library into Codemirror. <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> I check jQuery and I add the jQuery source after normalize: <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src=""></script> but if I uncheck normalize, I want it to remove the normalize link, and if I check it again I want to add normalize after