
how to include different intent in recyclerview

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-11-28 14:43:50
I plan to include a CardView in my project. i have already included RecyclerView and card view in my project. the problem is, i want to call for different activity for each card. i have implement different intent for each card. but it require me to initialize the data. this is my original code: public class RecyclerAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerAdapter.ViewHolder> { private Context context; private String[] titles = {"Add new Research", "View Your Research"}; private String[] details = {"Add your research files here", "View all of your posted research"}; private int[] images = {

Devexpress MVC GridView / CardView (持续更新)

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-11-27 04:12:27
  //获取gridview里面的combo box 显示的文本 //获取某个column在gridview的 index RightGridView.GetColumnByField("FunUID").index //获取gridview里面的combo box 显示的文本 RightGridView.batchEditHelper.GetCellTextContainer(visibleindex ,columnIndex).textContent    在Double Click event里面. 获取当前鼠标选择的列的值 在Double Click event里面. 获取当前鼠标选择的值 //s.GetFocusedCell().rowVisibleIndex 获取当前选中行的index //s.GetFocusedCell().column.fieldName 获取当前选中行的field s.batchEditApi.GetCellValue(s.GetFocusedCell().rowVisibleIndex,s.GetFocusedCell().column.fieldName)    //自定义计算footer的summary //自定义计算footer的summary //首先将需要自定义计算的field 设置为 DevExpress.Data