
sqlite3 bulk insert from C?

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-24 02:54:31
问题 I came across the .import command to do this (bulk insert), but is there a query version of this which I can execute using sqlite3_exec(). I would just like to copy a small text file contents into a table. A query version of this one below, ".import demotab.txt mytable" 回答1: Sqlite's performance doesn't benefit from bulk insert. Simply performing the inserts separately (but within a single transaction!) provides very good performance. You might benefit from increasing sqlite's page cache size

Bulk data insertion in SQL Server table from delimited text file using c#

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-23 13:06:41
问题 I have tab delimited text file. File is around 100MB. I want to store data from this file to SQL server table. The file contains 1 million records when stored in sql server. What is the best way to achieve this? I can create in momory datatable in c# and then upload the same to sql server, but in this case it will load entire 100 MB file to memory. What if file size get bigger? 回答1: No problem; CsvReader will handle most delimited text formats, and implements IDataReader , so can be used to

How to handle Symfony form collection with 500+ items

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-23 09:31:56
问题 I have form collection which need to handle more than 500 entity instances. After I increased timeout to 60s and increased max_input_vars form work but it is annoying how slow it is. Rendering form is slow but submitting that big form is pain in the ass. I was considering creating plain HTML form but there is some other drawback suck as validation. So, is there any proper way to handle that big set of data via symfony form ? CONTROLLER: public function ratesCardAction() { $bannerList = $this-

Laravel bulk insert many entries with same form

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-23 05:35:15
问题 My goal is to insert many records at the same time with the same form. I already created a function in the form element that will duplicate all the fields and pass all the data with one submit button. So theres no problem with the view and the data being passed to the controller. I have an array of: array:8 [▼ "_token" => "XLQVP4Hbm85SlZDFa6OnjK0LCoMOsrfs8jGCUwMj" "id" => null "client_id" => array:2 [▼ 0 => "1" 1 => "1" ] "sample_code" => array:2 [▼ 0 => "sadasdas" 1 => "qwewqewqeqweq" ]

Performance issue while inserting 2000 records using mybatis(3.2.8 version)

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-23 05:11:34
问题 I am trying to insert 2000 records in Employee table in batch (using mybatis). My requirements are: 1. To log the error if any of the record fails to insert. 2. To continue with the insertion even if any one of the record fails. 3. Rollback should not happen for other if any one of the record fails. 4. Good performance. Sample code of Dao implementation: Here I have come up with 2 scenarios. Calling sqlSession.commit() outside the loop. SqlSession sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory

INSERT multiple entries from Android -> PHP -> MYSQL

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-23 03:25:31
问题 I am trying to insert multiple (1-50) entries from an Android application to an external Mysql database. I perfectly got a PHP script to work for single INSERT queries. But I am failing so far to make this work for a whole array of entries, most likely due to my limited understanding of PHP. Android code: List<NameValuePair> upload_array = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); upload_array.add(new BasicNameValuePair("mFirstname[0]", "FirstName 1")); upload_array.add(new BasicNameValuePair(

Bulk insert in parent and child table using sp_xml_preparedocument

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-23 02:52:13
问题 I am using sp_xml_preparedocument for bulk insertion. But I want to do bulk insert in parent table, get scope_identity for each newly inserted row and then bulk insert in child table. I can do this by taking table variable for parent table in procedure and insert data in that table which I supposed to insert in parent table. Now loop through each row in cursor, insert in actual table and then in child table. But is there any batter way without cursor? I want some optimum solution 回答1: If you

MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE Data too long for column exception

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-23 02:45:24
问题 I'm using MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE Data command to bulk insert data to a table. Here's how I am doing it : LOAD DATA INFILE 'MyFile.csv' INTO TABLE `dbname`.`tablename` FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' ; When I run it from our C# project I'm getting a Data too long for column xxx exception for a char(50) column which the provided data for it is less than 50 (but it is in Persian)but when I use a MySql client such as SQLyog it is working fine. Here's how I am

Batch insert SQL statement

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-23 02:21:09
问题 I have say 100 rows data to insert in MySQL database table. But i dont want to write all 100 INSERT statements. Is there any bulk insert Statement in SQL ??? Please help with code if possible. 回答1: INSERT INTO tbl (col1, col2) VALUES ('val1', 'val2'), ('val3', 'val4'), ... And please read documentation first next time 回答2: As the MySQL manual states: INSERT statements that use VALUES syntax can insert multiple rows. To do this, include multiple lists of column values, each enclosed within

Bulk Insert Failed “Bulk load data conversion error (truncation)”

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-22 21:26:47
问题 I've done data imports with SQL Server's BULK INSERT task hundreds of times, but this time I'm receiving an error that's unfamiliar and that I've tried troubleshooting to no avail with Google. The below is the code I use with a comma deliminated file where the new rows are indicated by new line characters: BULK INSERT MyTable FROM 'C:\myflatfile.txt' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = ',' ,ROWTERMINATOR = '/n') GO It consistently works, yet now on a simple file with a date and rate, it's failing with