Problem with bind_rows: Error: Argument 1 must have names
问题 I have two data frames and I need to put the line of my second data frame as the last line of my first data frame: The first data frame is PETR3.SA: tail(PETR3.SA) PETR3.SA.Open PETR3.SA.High PETR3.SA.Low PETR3.SA.Close 2020-04-23 17.35522 17.63133 16.85232 17.09884 2020-04-24 16.86218 17.01009 15.30415 15.84650 2020-04-27 16.14233 16.68468 15.74789 16.56635 2020-04-28 17.49000 18.02000 17.11000 18.02000 2020-04-29 18.51000 19.30000 18.35000 19.00000 2020-04-30 18.73000 19.18000 18.43000 18