
AutoCAD Civil 3D-装配-条件部件

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-16 08:46:14
上一节中大概讲了一下civil3d中自带的常用部件,大家还记得吗:连接宽度和坡度部件(LinkWidthAndSlope)、指向曲面的连接坡度部件(LinkSlopeToSurface),今天再给大家讲一个条件部件(ConditionalCutOrFill)。条件部件,顾名思义,只有当满足一定条件的时候才会执行的部件,也叫填挖方判断部件,所以这个部件在填挖方判断时会经常用到。下面就给大家简单介绍一下条件部件。 条件部件位置见下图,点击之后,弹出特性对话框如下: 下面就特性框中的参数解释一下: 1 布置宽度-----控制条件部件在模型空间中的显示宽度,只是起一个显示宽度范围的作用,不参与装配计算。 2 布置坡率-----控制条件部件在模型空间中的显示坡度,同样只是起一个显示坡度的范围,不参与装配计算。 3 类型-----提供两种类型,挖方和填方,用于控制条件部件后续连接的部件是按照填方规则进行还是按照挖方规则进行。 4 最小距离-----用于规定最小的挖方深度或是填方高度。 5 最大距离-----用于规定最大的挖方深度或是填方高度。 下面就一个简单的部件说明一下: 部件的实际表现将会在下一节中的创建道路时给大家讲到。 转载自: 作者:沙漠骆驼whlkx 来源: CSDN 作者: Qin Dong


偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-14 06:22:19
因为有需要,所以对一款CAD导出插件进行逆向分析。该插件主要作用是把AutoCAD模型对象导出为obj模型,插件名:OBJ Exporter for Autodesk® AutoCAD®,下称OBJ Exporter。 OBJ Exporter是由一家以插件开发为主的数据公司开发,本文逆向分析的是OBJ Exporter的试用版,正式版需要支付$99! OBJ Exporter的使用非常简单,几乎是一键导出。安装后在CAD的附件模块: OBJ Exporter插件位置 插件只有两个界面,一个。一个选项界面,一个关于界面: 选项界面1 选项界面2 1. 导出设置界面:可以设置导出参数,主要是精度和法线,及翻转设置。可以通过设置精度多次导出实现导出带LOD(level of detail)的模型,当然这不是本文关注的重点。 关于界面 2. 关于界面:这个是本文的关注重点,上图红色框内的提示则是也是突破点! 我这里导出看一下 点一下Export后输入文件名即可: 导出过程(动图) 用win10自带的Paint3D查看如下(至于颜色为什么是这样,我暂时也不清楚): Paint3D查看 我们再来看一下“关于”,试用次数变为9。 二话不说,开干! 开打插件安装目录C:ProgramDataAutodeskApplicationPluginsOBJExporterForAutoCAD

How to apply Grade Rule Table to DXF?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-14 04:07:11
问题 I have a rule associated with dxf file, the fragment is following: GRADE RULE TABLE: 11111 NUMBER OF SIZES: 2 SIZE LIST: M L SAMPLE SIZE: M RULE: DELTA 1 0.000, -0.000 100.000, -0.000 RULE: DELTA 2 0.000, -0.000 100.000, -100.000 dxf file content like # 1 、 # 2 is associated with the grade rule table file, the point before # is key points (which control the pattern shape), and there are many polygon vertex in the dxf file, so how to connect polygon vertex and key points ,what is the

Trying to read data from a DWG using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseService What DLL do I need to reference to?

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-13 02:36:58
问题 I have a VB winform project where I am reading data from a table inside a DWG file. By this method AutoCad needs to be open( making the application slower ). I found the article show below where you can use a different approach where you use a Database object( represent our in-memory drawing ) But I don't know what DLL do I need to reference to be able to use this method. The method use on this appraoch is : using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices; --> need to be able to import And also the

Is there a way to extract AutoCAD Drawings and Pictures from an OLEObject field in a table?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-12 18:29:40
问题 Just for some background, I'm a mechanical engineer at a company and the older folks here created a database in Access 2003 which basically takes an AutoCAD Drawing or a Picture OLE and plops it in a nicely framed report with a bunch of other information. I've been making some modifications to that database, one of which is to store all OLEObjects as links to actual files in our shared network. Every new file that has been added to the database for the past week or so has been linked and the

The application is in break mode. your app has entered a break state,

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-12 15:28:24
问题 I found myself in this same problem than here, I'm using windows forms in a dll (this is for an Autocad plug-in) and I cannot debug my code because I receive "The application is in break mode. your app has entered a break state, but no code is currently executing that is supported by the selected debug engine". I have tried every recommendation in this list and none worked for me. One odd thing was that I can break in the constructor but the events that use a controller/config object get that


一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-12 13:53:22
1 '定义过滤器 2 3 Dim pType, pData 4 5 6 7 'BuildFilter pType, pData, 0, "BlockReference", 8, "GCD", 62, 3 '建立图层是JZD?颜色为绿色的多段线过滤器 8 9 10 11 12 13 BuildFilter pType, pData, 8, "GCD" 14 15 '定义选择集 16 17 18 19 Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet 20 21 Set sset = CreateSelectionSet 22 23 ' 24 25 26 27 '根据以上指定的过滤器建立选择集 28 29 30 31 sset.Clear 32 33 sset.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , pType, pData 34 35 36 37 Dim pEntity As Object 38 39 Dim pBlock As AcadBlockReference 40 41 Dim pAttr As Variant 42 43 44 45 Dim pCoords As Variant 46 47 48 49 For Each pEntity In sset 50 51 If pEntity.ObjectName =

Autocad format viewer on iOS

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-12 10:23:10
问题 I would like to be able to render autocad DWF and/or DWG files in a UIView within iOS. Autodesk has a mac-based library, but it does not have iOS support. Any ideas? Thanks! 回答1: AutoDesk provides the DWF Toolkit, written in C++. You can use C++ code in iOS apps. 来源:

Autocad Instance not creating after deployment

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-11 19:48:32
问题 I am getting an issue regarding running autocad application using C#. As i am beginner most of my code is copy pasted from net. The problem is i am developing an web application using c# which will create an instantiate autocad instance at runtime. Every thing goes fine on development server as well as on my local IIS server. but when i am deploying the web application on the server(window server 8) i am getting the below error Operation unavailable (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401E3 (MK_E

AutoCAD Civil 3D装配道路

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-11 19:30:53
经过前两次的努力,你已经有了设计路面,但是它只是一个二维的平面,就像被二向箔攻击过一样,没什么卵用。接下来,你需要设计装配,并创建道路实体。 Civil 3D喜欢以路的中心线作为道路的基准线。所以你最好有这样一条中心线。如果万一你没有,你可以用这个功能生成中心线——在标注菜单栏里:中心线。 现在默认你已经画好了中心线。现在去home栏,找到基准线(alignment,我不是很清楚中文版的叫啥)——从实体创建基准线——选择已经画好的那根中心线——会出来一个箭头让你确定方向(开车的方向),如果对就回车,不对就选翻转——起个名字,线的类型选设计,去掉勾选,搞定。 你现在得到了一根绿色的基准线。水平面的维度有了,还需要一个立面的维度,这个时候我们之前生成那个路面就派上用场了,那个面上每个点都是有高程的。因此基准线和那个路面的交线,就是我们想要的横断面上的剖面。 具体就是,点击你画好的绿线,一个新的菜单蹦出来,选择生成高程——点你设计的路面——添加——点击在横断面里创建——窗口消失了, 你找个空白的地方点击鼠标左键——出现了 看起来还不错,横坐标那里是链测长度,只到240米,因为在240米以后,这个路多了一条支路并入,而且路宽变了,那个地方还要重新画。但是这样的话可能会画不止一个横断面,麻烦。所以干脆把这个表画大一点,剩下的路也装进来。我们来改一下这个表的值域。 选中表,在 横断面属性