
search all files for a given word

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-23 14:56:24
问题 I am using appcode to work on an xcode project. How do I search all source files in my project for a given keyword? The keyword need not be a method. Something like: grep keyword *.m *.h Thanks. 回答1: To perform a search across all the project files in the AppCode use Edit | Find | Find in Path . In the Text to find field put your keyword, in the File mask(s) field put the extensions separated by comma : Note that the scope is set to the Whole project , you can limit it if needed. 来源: https:/

AppCode targeted device families not valid (iPad iOS 8.1)

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-21 13:00:11
问题 I keep getting this error in AppCode, but usually it runs just fine with Xcode: Error:xcodebuild: error: The run destination iPad Mini is not valid for Running the scheme 'Appname'. Error:iPad Mini doesn't match any of's targeted device families. You can expand's targeted device families to support iPad Mini. Error:Build failed with 2 errors and 0 warnings in 7 sec Note:Building for 2 architectures. Double click to set 'ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES' to speed up compilation.

Hide full path to project in Project browser?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-12 19:52:08
问题 Trying out AppCode (2.5.4) at the moment I'm rather annoyed by having the full paths to projects always showing up in the ' Project ' view. Browsing the prefs I cannot find a way to turn this off? I'd rather prefer the Xcode way of having just the project's name.. In particular working with workspaces and sub-projects a lot it adds a lot of visual clutter. 回答1: Jay, there is no way to disable this path at the moment. Why do you find it annoying? 回答2: I'm not am Apple expert. Under Linux,

AppCode workspaces and TFS command-line client tool

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-10 16:35:26
问题 I can create a workspace with AppCode and successfully can check in and out of TFS. This is all good.But when i use the Cross-platform Command-Line Client for TFS and try to see these workspaces i created with AppCode, i am getting back "No local workspaces found". AppCode does not really create a workspace then because according to msdn the name of the workspace owner and the name of the computer on which the workspace is used are stored in Team Foundation Server. I have other applications

Unknown Class **** in Interface Builder file

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-10 12:34:28
问题 I added a UIView xib file using the root class of MyView . I created it in the wrong place and so moved it in the project. Same project just a different folder/group. I then had a problem when running saying... Unknown Class MyView in Interface Builder file I couldn't work out what was wrong so I have now deleted the files both from the project and from the directory. I've done a search using SublimeText2 for the string "MyView" and it doesn't exist anywhere in the project. I've reset the

How to immediately see Swift errors in AppCode?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-10 04:09:56
问题 Is there a way to immediately see Swift errors in AppCode? On their website they talk about static code analysis, but nowhere could I find a claim that this happens instantly. When you type some Swift code in Xcode you usually see warnings, errors etc. immediately. In AppCode I first have to make the build ( ⌘F9 ), then go through the list in the Messages Build view (which got way nicer in AppCode 2016.01 RC2): I find this tedious, especially when you make some small typos that lead to syntax


萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-06 10:01:55
阿里身份证实名认证查询校验接口 购买和功能示范地址 python请求验证方法 import urllib, urllib2, sys import ssl host = '' path = '/idenAuthentication' method = 'POST' appcode = '你自己的AppCode' querys = '' bodys = {} url = host + path bodys['idNo'] = '''340421190210182345''' bodys['name'] = '''张三''' post_data = urllib.urlencode(bodys) request = urllib2.Request(url, post_data) request.add_header('Authorization', 'APPCODE ' + appcode) //根据API的要求,定义相对应的Content-Type request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8') ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx

AppCode targeted device families not valid (iPad iOS 8.1)

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-04 06:55:41
I keep getting this error in AppCode, but usually it runs just fine with Xcode: Error:xcodebuild: error: The run destination iPad Mini is not valid for Running the scheme 'Appname'. Error:iPad Mini doesn't match any of's targeted device families. You can expand's targeted device families to support iPad Mini. Error:Build failed with 2 errors and 0 warnings in 7 sec Note:Building for 2 architectures. Double click to set 'ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES' to speed up compilation. Target sdk is 7.1 in AppCode 3.0.6 (Xcode 6.1) TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = 2 (iPad) VALID_ARCHS = armv7

How does JetBrains AppCode launch the iOS Simulator?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-03 02:04:23
问题 I just looked at JetBrains's App Code IDE and it seems to be able to launch the iOS Simulator and run applications in it. When I had to automate the deployment of my projects I had to resort to Applescript and GUI automation. They seem to be using a closed tool called 'simlauncher'. I wonder what the magic behind it could be. Update: On looking at Activity Monitor, I see that osascript gets launched from simlauncher before the simulator is launched. Could it be Applescript again? I thought

ASP.NET MVC 学习笔记-7.自定义配置信息

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 22:10:10
ASP.NET程序中的web.config文件中,在appSettings这个配置节中能够保存一些配置,比如, 1 <appSettings> 2 <add key="LogInfoProvider" value="Cookie" />//登录信息保存方式 3 </appSettings> 但是这些配置都是单个字符串信息,在某些情况下,无法做到灵活配置。 针对这种情况,使用.Net Framework提供的自定义系统配置方式来进行改善。自定义系统配置方式主要使用到以下几个类: ConfigurationManager:通过该类能够直接获取Web.config的信息。 ConfigurationSection:表示配置文件中的一个配置节的信息。 ConfigurationElement:表示配置节中的单个配置项信息。 ConfigurationElementCollection:表示配置项的集合信息。 ConfigurationPropertyAttribute:对配置信息一些约束信息。 1 <configuration> 2 <configSections> 3 <section name="TT.appConfiguration" type="TT.Infrastructure.Core.CustomConfiguration.ApplicationConfiguration,