
Changing color of UITableViewCell on state pressed and state selected

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-06 09:31:57
I am having UITableView with customCell(CustomCell having 2 lables and One ImageView). In normal Mode I need white color of all the cells. If user press the particular cell, then color of that cell should be gray(rest of the cells should be white) And If user release the same cell, Color of that cell should be Orange(rest of the cells should be white) How can I figure it out? I have tried this using setSelectedBackground, willSelectRowAtIndexPath and Gestures methods. But can't see these 3 Color states for the same Cell. Any Of the 2 states are working together. Any Idea how can i achieve the

Use custom selector for parent item and children items in ExpandableListView

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-06 07:47:14
I have expandable list which looks like this: Orange items are children and are shown when you press specific parent. Blue items are parents.I used this custom adapter to create this: (I picked this source code somewhere here on forum) public class ExpandableListAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter { private Context context; private List<String> listDataHeader; private HashMap<String, List<String>> listDataChild; public ExpandableListAdapter(Context context, List<String> listDataHeader, HashMap<String, List<String>> listChildData) { this.context = context; this.listDataHeader =

Add Color “#e3bb87” to StateListDrawable programmatically

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-06 04:46:12
The reason I need to do this programmatically is that the text color is downloaded and not pre defined in the xml. I read this Replace selector images programmatically I only need to know from StateListDrawable states = new StateListDrawable(); states.addState(new int[] {android.R.attr.state_pressed}, getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.pressed)); how turn into states.addState(new int[] {android.R.attr.state_pressed},**theMethodImLookingFor**("#e3bb87")); forget about getResources().getColor(R.color.anycolor) , the color is not defined in xml You can use this: states.addState(new int[]

set Selector for Button Programmatically issues

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-06 02:29:53
I have a row of buttons and i am setting their selectors for background and text programatically. The reason i want to do this programmatically is because, I have a set of themes the user can choose from and depending upon the theme selected, i want to change the selector for the button. For example, if the user selects a blue theme, when loaded, the background of the button is blue and text colour is white. When he presses the button, the background changes to white and the text colour changes to blue. When user removes the finger from button, the changes revert back to default blue for

Confusion with “smallest width 600 dp” selector

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-06 01:00:02
问题 In my application I am supporting phone/tablet form factors and to have individual layouts I use selector "layout" (for phones), "layout-sw600dp" (for tablets). Following are the details: Typical numbers for screen width dp are: 320: a phone screen (240x320 ldpi, 320x480 mdpi, 480x800 hdpi, etc). 480: a tweener tablet like the Streak (480x800 mdpi). 600: a 7” tablet (600x1024). 720: a 10” tablet (720x1280,

Selector, in listview (swipe-listview) row, stays in state pressed after re-instanciating the adapter

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-04 16:55:11
I have a listview and the row's layout has a child with the background set to the following selector : <selector xmlns:android=""> <item android:state_pressed="true"> <shape android:shape="rectangle"> <solid android:color="@color/pressed_panel" /> <corners android:radius="@dimen/rounded_panel_corners" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="rectangle"> <solid android:color="#ffffff" /> <corners android:radius="@dimen/rounded_panel_corners" /> </shape> </item> And now this scenario happens: I instantiate the adapter and set it to the listview,

Disable button with button selector

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-04 16:05:26
问题 I have a button selector that changes the button image when it is pressed. I have also set an image for when the button is disabled. I try and disable the button programmatically but the disabled button image is not appearing. Is my button_selector correct? <item android:drawable="@drawable/red_btn_bg_disabled" android:state_enabled="false"/> <!-- disabled --> <item android:drawable="@drawable/red_btn_bg_pressed" android:state_pressed="true"/> <!-- pressed --> <item android:drawable="

TabLayout selected Tab icon is not selected on start up

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-04 00:28:08
问题 I'm using a TabLayout for Tabbed navigation in my app. I have a really weird issue with it, I have created 4 tabs using this code: private int[] tabIcons = {R.drawable.navigation_timeline_icon_selector, R.drawable.navigation_feed_icon_selector, R.drawable.navigation_messages_icon_selector, R.drawable.navigation_notification_icon_selector}; TabLayout tabLayout = setTabLayout(); if (tabLayout != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tabLayout.getTabAt(i).setIcon(tabIcons[i]); } } Each of the

Disable button with button selector

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-03 23:14:56
I have a button selector that changes the button image when it is pressed. I have also set an image for when the button is disabled. I try and disable the button programmatically but the disabled button image is not appearing. Is my button_selector correct? <item android:drawable="@drawable/red_btn_bg_disabled" android:state_enabled="false"/> <!-- disabled --> <item android:drawable="@drawable/red_btn_bg_pressed" android:state_pressed="true"/> <!-- pressed --> <item android:drawable="@drawable/red_btn_bg_pressed" android:state_focused="true"/> <!-- focused --> <item android:drawable="@drawable

Button - Change background color on click

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-03 09:20:38
问题 I have 8 buttons in my activity. What I am looking for is, The buttons have a default background and when a button is clicked, the background color should change to some other color. This part is pretty straight forward. But, when I click on any other button, the background color of the first button should change back to default color. I understand that this will be done using "selector states", but I am not quite sure of how to implement it. The more i read about it, the more confused I am.