
How to detect when the user dismisses a interstitial in Admob?

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-01-15 05:33:47
问题 I recently moved my ads to the newer version (now uses, but I realised that I am now missing something quite important. I used to be able to detect when the user dismissed their interstitial with OnDismissScreen, but now it looks like this is no longer an option: I used to do: @Override public void onDismissScreen(Ad arg0) { interstitial = new InterstitialAd(this, "appid"); interstitial.loadAd(new AdRequest()); interstitial.setAdListener(this); } Is there any sort

How to disable AdMob logs?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-15 03:52:08
问题 I understood that it's not good practice to publish an app with logs, so i disabled all my log calls. Now AdMob logs every time an ad is displayed, How can i cancel that? i don't seem to find any information about this topic in the documentation, and i've read that you can use ProGuard but that seems like a bad solution. Isn't there someway to disable 3rd party logs? 回答1: Luckily this has already been answered. The best thing to do is simply turn on proguard in your application. Turn on

Add AdMob Advertise to each and every Screen of Android App

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-14 05:40:25
问题 I am able to load the AdMob add using following code into the very first screen (Activity) of the application. @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout)findViewById(; View next = findViewById(; OnClickListener onClickListener = new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { startActivity(new Intent(BannerEssentials.this, NextActivity

How to put AdMob Banner in SpriteKit?

百般思念 提交于 2020-01-14 03:44:05
问题 I am creating an game in SpriteKit, and I don't know how to use AdMob banner in SpriteKit. I know how to use with Swift where you drag the view to your storyboard, and etc... But once again, Can anyone help me to use it in SpriteKit? Getting this error when applying to place banner. To get test ads on this device, call: request.testDevices = @[ * !********'" ];** 回答1: Everything is the exact same as with UIKit , except that you have to position it programmatically. Also make sure that this

Interstitial ads in audio app

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-01-14 03:32:30
问题 What is the best way to integrated Interstitial ads in audio app . at first I put ads after 50 sec from music beginning, but i've received email from Admob"This email is to alert you that one of your applications is not currently in compliance with our AdMob program policies and as a result, ad serving has been disabled to your application." " Violation explanation LAYOUT ENCOURAGES ACCIDENTAL CLICKS - INTERSTITIAL ADS: Publishers are not permitted to encourage users to click AdMob

Difference between Google Interactive Media Ads(IMA) and Google AdMob

好久不见. 提交于 2020-01-14 02:40:14
问题 I read about Google IMA and Google AdMob and as per my understanding both are used to used to deliver Ads. The differences are that: 1) Google IMA is generally used when video Ads are required which I believe is not supported by AdMob. 2) AdMob is generally used when only Banner Ads are required, as it is simpler to integrate than IMA SDK. 3) In case of IMA , a VAST server is required to return Ads, but in case of AdMob , an account with AdMob is need to create the AdUnits. So my questions

Android application doesn't close after calling System.exit(0)

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-01-13 03:29:12
问题 I have an Android app that worked great, before I've added admob activity. I'm closing my app with killing process (calling System.exit(0)). I know that this is the worst solution of finishing the app. I'm working with OpenGL states and libgdx framefork, so I can't fixed all memory leak that appear when I'm calling standard android finish() function. So here's the problem: My app works normally several times. I close and start it again and again. All works fine, but suddenly admob view doesn

Admob for Android TV app

百般思念 提交于 2020-01-12 14:11:24
问题 Developing an application for Android TV, I have a question on the use of ads. The Android TV layout guide states that: Advertising on Android TV must always be full-screen. Ads must not appear alongside or over content. The user must be able to dismiss an advertisement with the D-pad controller. Video ads must be dismissible within 30 seconds of their start time. Android TV does not provide a web browser. Your ads must not attempt to launch a web browser or redirect to the Google Play Store.

Actionbar with Fragment tabs and AdMob

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-01-12 10:22:33
问题 I have an app that uses the ActionBar with tabs in combination with Fragments. Now I would like to separate the screen into the normal screen at the top, and a small bar at the bottom for the ads: Left is the normal screen, the tabs and their Fragments take up the whole screen. What I want is the situation on the right. The tabs and Fragments take up the red part, the green part is for ads. So the red part should make room for the ads, I don't want to overlay the ads. As the Activity which

How to hide/disable admob adview?

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-01-12 05:29:07
问题 I hide admob adview by view.gone: //adView.setClickable(false); //adView.clearFocus(); //adView.setEnabled(false); //adView.setFilterTouchesWhenObscured(true); //adView.setFocusable(false); //adView.setFocusableInTouchMode(false); adView.setVisibility(View.GONE); adView.startAnimation( animation ); This hides the ad, but the adview itself is still touchable, so if I touch the adview's space, it still opens the browser and redirects me to the ad, although the ad itself is not visible. How to