
How to confirm a TrueType PDF font is missing glyphs

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-07 12:21:09
问题 I have a PDF which renders fine in Acrobat but fails to print during the PDF to PS conversion process on our printer's RIP. After uncompressing with pdftk and editing I've found if I replace the usage of a certain font it will print. The font is a strange one, a TrueType subset with a single character (space). If I pass the PDF through Ghostscript it reports no errors, however an Acrobat pre-flight check will report a missing glyph for space. This error is not reported for the original file.

Write cyrillic chars into PDF form fields with PDFBox

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-07 07:03:23
问题 I am using pdfbox 2.0.5 to fill out form fields of a PDF document using this code: doc = PDDocument.load(inputStream); PDDocumentCatalog catalog = doc.getDocumentCatalog(); PDAcroForm form = catalog.getAcroForm(); for (PDField field : form.getFieldTree()){ field.setValue("должен"); } I get this error: U+0434 ('afii10069') is not available in this font Times-Roman (generic: TimesNewRomanPSMT) encoding: StandardEncoding with differences The PDF document itself contains cyrillic text which is

Javascript Detect if Adobe Reader is installed

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-07 05:49:26
问题 We have some PDF forms that don't display correctly in non-Adobe PDF readers (i.e. WebKit's built-in PDF reader does not properly display some proprietary Adobe things). We want to detect when users don't have Adobe's PDF Reader installed and give them a little warning, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do it in 2014. It seems this script worked in 2011. Basically it loops through navigator.plugins and looks for plugins with the name Adobe Acrobat or Chrome PDF Viewer . for(key

Search subdirectories for Inno Setup DestDir

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-06 16:54:35
I am attempting to use Inno Setup to distribute a file used as a plug-in by another application. If it cannot find the plug-in destination, it should still install itself into the Program Files directory, providing the user with manual instructions. Hats off to Tlama for providing some code that was used in a similar problem: Inno Setup find subfolder . The follow script lays out the basic setup I am hoping to achieve, with comment where the script is incomplete. I'm just in over my head. :-) How to pass the found directory back to StampTargetDir (currently just a MsgBox) How to search all

Reader extensions not needed anymore for digital signature in Acrobat Reader DC?

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-06 13:47:53
问题 In a business environment we have Adobe LiveCycle ES for several years. A key feature is to enable "Reader extensions" in PDFs, which unlocks some features in Adobe Reader for reader extended PDFs. One of them was allowing user to digitally sign empty signature fields in Adobe Reader. I remember nothing happened when clicking on the signature field in Adobe Reader if the PDF was not "reader extended". This is the case e.g. if the PDF was generated using iText. This limitation is still

Acrobat (reader): to open at a specific page number via command line on Windows

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-06 12:43:49
I am running a Windows batch file to convert a document to PDF and on the last line of the batch file I have: Acrobat "%1.pdf" This opens the produced PDF file just fine but I also wish to be able to open the PDF file at some specific page of the document. So how to extend the command that I am using above to force the PDF file to open at a desired page number? Thanks a lot... Use the command line switch /A: Acrobat /A "page=<pagenum>" %1.pdf Replace with whatever page you like to be displayed. For additional open parameters, please refer to Adobe's partner documentation: http://partners.adobe

Dynamically generated PDF files working in most readers except Adobe Reader

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-06 12:35:21
I'm trying to dynamically generate PDFs from user input, where I basically print the user input and overlay it on an existing PDF that I did not create. It works, with one major exception. Adobe Reader doesn't read it properly, on Windows or on Linux. QuickOffice on my phone doesn't read it either. So I thought I'd trace the path of me creating the files - 1 - Original PDF of background PDF 1.2 made with Adobe Distiller with the LZW encoding. I didn't make this. 2 - PDF of background PDF 1.4 made with Ghostscript. I used pdf2ps then ps2pdf on the above to strip LZW so that the reportlab and

pdftk + xfdf + php can't handle umlauts

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-06 11:35:22
I'm using XFDF files to fill out PDF-forms serverside with PHP and pdftk but my problem is that no non-english characters (ä, ö, å etc.) are printed to the form fields. Here is the function I use to parse the XFDF file: function createFDF($file,$info,$enc='UTF-8'){ $data='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$enc.'"?>'."\n". '<xfdf xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">'."\n". '<fields>'."\n"; foreach($info as $field => $val){ $data.='<field name="'.$field.'">'."\n"; if(is_array($val)){ foreach($val as $opt) $data.='<value>'.htmlentities($opt,ENT_COMPAT,$enc).'</value>'."\n"; }else

How to change page of already open pdf in python

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-06 11:06:24
I have the standard pdf link made to open a file to a specific ppage, but if the file is already open, the page doesn't change, the script just opens the already open file, how can I navigate within an open file? or as a workaround, notice that the file is open, close it, and the reopen it? path_to_pdf = os.path.abspath(openfile) path_to_acrobat = os.path.abspath('C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe') process = subprocess.Popen([path_to_acrobat, '/A', 'page=' + page, path_to_pdf], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) process.wait() Sometimes it's not polite to kill

How can I add javascript to a PDF document to count the number of checked boxes and enter the value into a textbox area?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-06 10:21:55
问题 So I have a PDF doc that has 25 check boxes called "cb1" through "cb25". I would like to be able to count the number of boxes that are checked and put that count into a text box area called "Points". I'm not very familiar with either JS or PDF form creation but from what I've been able to dig up I think I'm close to getting it to work. I have added the following code to the document level: function CountCheckBoxes(aFieldsNames) { // count field names that have been selected var count = 0; //