
Toggle button inside accordion using jquery

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-12 01:05:56
问题 I want to create a toggle button inside an accordian. Here is what I was trying to do. Javascript $j("div a").live('click', function() { $j("#toggleButton").click(function () { $j("#test p").slideToggle("slow"); }); }); HTML is: <div id="accordion"> <h3><a href="#">Number 1</a></h3><div><h4> Error1:</h4><p> some contents here </p><div id="content1"><input type="button" value="Hide" id="toggleButton" style="float:right;"><div id="test"> <p>jhfsnv jv jsdhv jsdvb </p></div></div></div> <h3><a

how to create simple image slider / accordion ?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-12 00:33:29
问题 In wordpress pages is there a plugin for vertical images.. I want a web page which should look like as follows: In this there a main panel Products .And which has images as accordions.. Only 10% of the image is visible..but onclick of the image1 It should expand 100% as follows : And the main thing is..These images user should be able to put in WP pages Static its possible shown in this but i want it to be edited in the page or ..some othe way ..may be in one folder.. Is it possible? Is

Anchor links for accordion menu not working (Bootstrap 3)

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-11 21:25:17
问题 I have an accordion menu on my bootstrap page, and I'm trying to include links in a text that will take the reader to an anchor on the same page, but within different tabs of the menu (so that they don't have to scroll down and click on the tabs). It only works for the first tab though. What am I doing wrong? Here's my JS fiddle (sorry for the typos in the code! They weren't mine...) And here's the code: <p>Go to <a href="#Tab1">Tab1</a>.</p> <p>Go to <a href="#Tab2">Tab2</a>.</p> <p>Go to <a

AngularJs, Divide list respective to their headers in an accordion

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-11 19:46:34
问题 I am new to angularJs and wish to rewrite an app in angularJs but am stuck at this : I have a custom accordion with the following markup: <div class="accord_main_wrap" ng-controller="catController"> <div class="accord_item_wrap" ng-repeat="head in heads"> <p class="accord_head" data-notvisible="true">{{head.text}}</p> <div class="accord_content_wrap"> <ul> <li ng-repeat="sub in subs">{{sub.text}}</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> The controller : function catController($scope, $http) { $http

CSS: align accordion in the center of the page

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-11 18:42:59
问题 Today's question : how do i vertically align that *#@$¤<ç~&# accordion in the very center of my page (align it vertically & horizontally)? here's the jsFiddle 回答1: Try: myUl = $("ul"); myUl.css('position', 'absolute'); myUl.css('top', $(window).height() / 2 - myUl.height() / 2); myUl.css('left', $(window).width() / 2 - myUl.width() / 2); Result: . If you want a CSS only solution, you must do something as: ul { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-top:

Bootstrap - Cant get my Accordion to stay closed on default?

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-11 18:25:06
问题 I have a single accordion item that I am using for a read more / less link on a page. The purpose of this is to click it to read more, and a few paragraphs will follow. I have this working, but I need it to stay closed when the page loads, at the moment the page loads with the item open. What can I add to fix this? <div class="accordionMod panel-group"> <div class="accordion-item"> <h4 class="accordion-toggle">Read More / Less</h4> <section class="accordion-inner panel-body"> <p>more info.</p

jQuery accordion hiding tabs in CSS

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-11 14:49:16
问题 I have a jQuery UI accordion with Markup structure <div id="accordion2"> <h3>title</h3> <div>stuff texty</div> <h3>title2</h3> <div>stuff texty</div> </div> However, the second tab of the accordion is in a plainer format than the first (i.e. it has less pictures and is hence more mobile friendly). I am want to use a media query to hide the first tab and its contents when screen width is less than 640px. I tried giving the first h3 and the first div tags a class of first and then used @media

Jquery Accordion not firing on ajax call

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-11 14:23:32
问题 I copied the source code from an outputted page into the file below so you can see what I'm talking about: What we're looking at is the recent activity ajax (which, for some reason, doesn't work on this outputted version). I'm hoping just looking at the code will be enough to diagnose it. Anyway the issue is the "comments" link which is an accordion that reveals an expanding text area. After an ajax load of the next 5 items in the timeline, the comments

jquery accordion loading via ajax

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-11 14:05:46
问题 I've got an accordion in the container: <div id="address_results"></div> Now I fill in the html (an accordion) via an ajax call. It works fine but only by the first ajax call. By the second, third, etc. call, the animation of the accordion doesn't work. // Ajax request $(this).submit(function() { var postal = $(o.postalDiv).val(); $.getJSON(o.url,{ action: o.action, id:, postal: postal } , function(json) { var result = json.content; var addresses = result['addresses']; var strXML =

Applying accordion with div having data-attribute as title

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-11 13:48:45
问题 I got a structure like this... to display the title before the div with data-attribute. I want to make it like 1st Title 2nd Title 3rd Title 4th Title -> Click "1st Title", it becomes 1st Title First Content 2nd Title 3rd Title 4th Title So I want to ask is there any ways that I can apply this accordion on it without changing the html structure (Having ul,li first then show the div)? ul { display:none; } div:before { content:attr(data-title); display:block; font-size:14px; background:gray;