
Want to show “loading…” in PHP page

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-21 21:35:34
问题 I am developing a web-page in PHP that needs following functionality: 1. When User click on "Say Thanks" it should be changed with "Done!". 2. At the same time I want to call an action in indexController. 3. At this time I want to show "loading...." 4. The current page has a lot of dynamic contents that should also not change. Please suggest me what should I do to complete above tasks...... 回答1: I figure you need an AJAX call. I usually do that for loading comments and such when you press

How to trigger PrimeNG Accordion Click programmatically in Angular 2.0?

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-21 20:46:39
问题 I have an accordion as shown below. When the link is clicked, I'd need to trigger the click event of all p-accordianTab elements. How is it possible? <a (click)="openCloseAll()" >{{openCloseAllText}} all</a> <p-accordion [multiple]="true"> <div class="row" *ngFor="let category of result.Categories"> <p-accordionTab #accordianTab header="{{category.Name}}"> </p-accordionTab> </div> </p-accordion> I tried adding this "#accordionTab" to the element and accessing it from TypeScript but doesn't

Prevent an accordion in JavaFX from collapsing

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-21 09:22:06
问题 Is there an easy way of preventing an accordion in JavaFX 2.1 from fully collapsing? I have an accordion with a few entries but if the user clicks the active accordion entry it collapses the accordion. I could probably use a mouse click listener to check do the check and act accordingly but this feels like it should be even simpler than that to accomplish. 回答1: Add a listener to the currently expanded accordion pane and prevent it from being collapsed by the user by modifying it's collapsible

Two Bootstrap accordions on same page

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-21 07:27:26
问题 I am using Boostrap framework, but I have problem with accordions. When I am trying to add 2 bootstrap accordions on the same page so only one works fine. Does someone how to add 2 these accordions on the same page? Thx for your time. 回答1: Your second accordion is not working because you are referencing the first accordion on the data-parent and accordion object ids (e.g. id="collapseTwo" ), once you differentiate both accordions

jQuery UI Accordion - How to remove style completly?

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-21 03:33:13
问题 I love the functionality of the jQuery accordion ( however I do not want the style !! I'd like to get rid of all the styles, the img, the border, the color, etc... I don't see an option for this, this is something they should add. Or I am mistaking? 回答1: You can make your own accordion. Using the jQuery accordion without the UI is pointless. Creating your own accordion adapted to your site is kind of easy. You just need to fix the way you want to build it.

Extjs create dynamic accordion using store

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-21 02:42:10
问题 I'm beginning development of an app in extjs. I'm using the MVC approach, as provided in the extjs documentation. I have some dynamic data which needs to present the user with a set of accordion controls. I've got the data in a store, but I do not know how to dynamically create the accordion items (unlike grid panels, there doesn't appear to be a store data method). Here is my current accordion view code - with static items: Ext.define('BP.view.induction.LeftPage', { extend: 'Ext.Panel',

Bootstrap Collapse Accordion - Default Expand/Collapse?

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-21 02:27:09
问题 I'm using Twitter Bootstrap, with jQuery. According to the bootstrap docs, if you want the collapsible element open as default you add the additional class "in". And if you want the collapsible element collapsed as default you style the height to 0px. That all works well and good. I would like to use a Media Query to set the element open as default on large screens, and collapsed as default on small screens (and then click to toggle on both)... My HTML: <div class="accordion" id="accordion1">

Auto-close Bootstrap accordion panel when switch to mobile screen size

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-21 01:42:32
问题 Using Bootstrap 2.3.2 I have an accordion with a single panel that is open when the page is loaded. <div class="accordion" id="refine"> <div class="accordion-heading"> <a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#refine" href="#refine-search"> Title </a> </div> <div id="refine-search" class="accordion-body collapse in"> <div class="accordion-inner"> Test text.... </div> </div> </div> The site is fully responsive. When switching to a mobile screen size [ @media (max-width:

Bootstrap 3 Collapse (left to right) [duplicate]

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-20 11:56:51
问题 This question already has answers here : Twitter Bootstrap Collapse plugin Direction—Horizontal instead of Vertical (7 answers) Closed 2 years ago . Is there a way to get this menu sliding from left to right? I've looked around and haven't seen much, but I was wondering if anyone had anymore insight. 回答1: First you define the following CSS after all Twitter Bootstrap CSS: .collapse { height: auto; width: auto; } .collapse.height { position:

Jquery accordion not collapse by default

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-20 11:35:40
问题 I am using collapse plugin provided by bootstrap which is a jquery simple plugin However it collapse by default, how to modify so that the collapse item is hidden by default, only when i press the header, then the item collapse and show? Thank you The document of the plugin, just few line so it only takes one minute $(document).ready( function () { $(".collapse").collapse()({ toggle: false, show: false }); } ); This is the html: <div class="accordion-group"> <div class="alert alert-info" data