
How to decode SAP text from from STXL.CLUSTD?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-11-28 03:51:31
问题 I know ! The "proper" way to read STXL.CLUSTD is through SAP ABAP function. But I'm sorry, we are suffering badly from performance problem. We have already make our decision to go directly to the database (Oracle), and we don't have any plan to revert our decision yet since everything goes so much better so far. However, we've came across this issue. The text in STXL.CLUSTD field was stored in an incomprehensible format. We cannot find any information about its encoding format via google.

how to consume a webservice via ABAP proxy

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-11-27 15:58:01
The function module being exposed as web service looks like below: wsdl: http://ldcix3d.wdf.sap.corp:50024/sap/bc/srt/wsdl/flv_10002A111AD1/bndg_url/sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/zsd_add/700/zadd/zb_add?sap-client=700 SE80, click create button: select “Service Consumer”: input WSDL url: There is a pop up window. Maintain user and password accordingly. Activate the proxy class, the status should be Active: search the just created consumer proxy ZCO_ZSD_ADD in SOAMANAGER: Create a new logical port: Click the ping button to ensure the logical port works correctly: Create a test report like below: REPORT

ABAP ole操作1

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-11-27 10:11:48
转自: https://www.cnblogs.com/jxzhu/p/8708686.html OLE整理: 1.定义,分别对应EXCEL,workbook(工作簿),sheet(页),单元格 DATA: EXCEL_OBJ TYPE OLE2_OBJECT, BOOK_OBJ TYPE OLE2_OBJECT, SHEET_OBJ TYPE OLE2_OBJECT, CELL_OBJ TYPE OLE2_OBJECT. 2.方法说明: CREATE OBJECT name_obj 'app'."创建APP应用类的一个对象obj_name实例 SET PROPERTY OF name_obj 'XXX' = f ."设置对象NAME_obj属性xxx为值f GET PROPERTY OF name_obj 'xxx' = f ."将name_obj的属性xxx的值获取赋给f CALL METHOD OF name_obj 'xxx' = f "由f来接收返回值 EXPORTING #1 = f1. "调用name_obj的方法xxx 传入参数f1…fn FREE OBJECT name_obj . "释放. 3.创建对象 CREATE OBJECT EXCEL_OBJ 'EXCEL.APPLICATION'. SET PROPERTY OF EXCEL_OBJ 'VISIBLE'

Strange behaviour using string templates and new COND syntax

二次信任 提交于 2019-11-27 08:21:39
问题 I have spotted a strange behaviour of new COND syntax when used inside a string template. It is about string length defaulting. It looks like the length of the string will be defaulted always to what stands after THEN even if the condition is not met. Check out the following piece of code! REPORT zzz. CLASS lcl_main DEFINITION FINAL CREATE PRIVATE. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: main. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_main IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD main. DATA(l_bool) = abap_true. DATA(l_v_line) = |{ COND #(

ABAP Field+offset字符串截取

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-11-27 04:50:12
*删除字符串末尾的字符 DATA:str TYPE string VALUE 'abc,defg,', sub_str TYPE string, num TYPE i. WRITE:/ str. num = STRLEN( str ) - 1. sub_str = str+0(num). WRITE:/ sub_str. 在字符串进行拼接完成后进行处理非常好用。 * SPLIT: 字符串拆分 DATA: str(20) TYPE c , f1(20) TYPE c , f2(20) TYPE c . str = ' Part1 - Part2'. WRITE / str. SPLIT str AT '-' INTO f1 f2. WRITE / f1. WRITE / f2. 一些其他的abap 字符处理操作就百度吧! 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/freeandeasy/p/11344324.html

Get the contents of a server-side directory in SAP ABAP

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-11-27 03:31:03
问题 I need to get a listing of a server-side directory inside SAP. How do I achieve this in ABAP? Are there any built-in SAP functions I can call? Ideally I want a function which I can pass a path as input, and which will return a list of filenames in an internal table. 回答1: After reading the answers of Chris Carrthers and tomdemuyt I would say: 1) Use RZL_READ_DIR_LOCAL if you need simple list of filenames. 2) EPS_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING is more powerfull - it can also list subdirectories. Thanks

Automate debugging using ABAP debugger scripts

余生颓废 提交于 2019-11-26 18:18:54
I would like to share a very detailed and useful document guiding how to use Script in Debugging from SAPTechnical . Introduction:- There must be many situations in which you have to debug very complex SAP standard or custom code. It might be possible that you have to check all the RFC calls, database updates, authority checks etc. But as you might very well know, that complex applications can have very large number of these statements. Checking the result of each statement in debugger can be very cumbersome. Using debugger scripts, you can automate the above process and pin point the


穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-11-25 22:02:17
最近有朋友在公众号后台给我留言,“Jerry啊,你最近写的都是一些SAP研究院里面用到的新技术,能不能写点SAP传统的开发技术比如ABAP相关的东西”? 其实Jerry在刚开始写这个公众号的时候,是写过很多ABAP的技术文章: Jerry的ABAP, Java和JavaScript乱炖 ABAP开发人员未来应该学些什么 Jerry 2017年的五一小长假: 8种经典排序算法的ABAP实现 Jerry的ABAP原创技术文章合集 300行ABAP代码实现一个最简单的区块链原型 使用Java+SAP云平台+SAP Cloud Connector调用ABAP On-Premise系统里的函数 在SAP云平台的CloudFoundry环境下消费ABAP On-Premise OData服务 ABAP vs Java, 蛙泳 vs 自由泳 聊聊C语言和ABAP 动手使用ABAP Channel开发一些小工具,提升日常工作效率 我用ABAP做过的那些无聊的事情 不喜欢SAP GUI? 那试试用Eclipse进行ABAP开发吧 使用Visual Studio Code编写和激活ABAP代码 你的ABAP程序给佛祖开过光么? 来试试Jerry这个小技巧 在SAP云平台ABAP编程环境上编写第一段ABAP程序 因为Jerry最近的工作,需要使用ABAP编程的场景不多,所以近期这方面的文章少了点。