How to apply VCL Styles to DLL-based forms in Inno Setup for uninstall? Cannot Import dll

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 10:24:21


I'm trying to add VCL styles (Inno Setup 5.5.6 (a)) for my installer. Style load correctly during the installation, but when I try to uninstall I get an error

Runtime Error(at-1:0): Cannot Import dll:VclStylesInno.dll.

And I can not uninstall my program.

Does anyone know what I can do?
Thanks for the help

#define VCLStylesSkinPath "{localappdata}\VCLStylesSkin"  [Files] ;Install Source: "VclStylesinno.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "Styles\Auric.vsf"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: dontcopy ;Uninstall Source: "VclStylesinno.dll"; DestDir: "{#VCLStylesSkinPath}"; Flags: uninsneveruninstall Source: "Styles\Auric.vsf"; DestDir: "{#VCLStylesSkinPath}"; Flags: uninsneveruninstall  [Code]  // Import the LoadVCLStyle function from VclStylesInno.DLL procedure LoadVCLStyle(VClStyleFile: String); external 'LoadVCLStyleA@files:VclStylesInno.dll stdcall setuponly'; procedure LoadVCLStyle_UnInstall(VClStyleFile: String); external 'LoadVCLStyleA@VclStylesInno.dll stdcall uninstallonly';  // Import the UnLoadVCLStyles function from VclStylesInno.DLL procedure UnLoadVCLStyles; external 'UnLoadVCLStyles@files:VclStylesInno.dll stdcall setuponly'; procedure UnLoadVCLStyles_UnInstall; external 'UnLoadVCLStyles@VclStylesInno.dll stdcall uninstallonly';  function InitializeUninstall: Boolean; begin   Result := True;   LoadVCLStyle_UnInstall(ExpandConstant('Styles\Auric.vsf')); end;  procedure DeinitializeUninstall(); begin   UnLoadVCLStyles_UnInstall; end; 


You are not specifying a path to the uninstall copy of the VclStylesInno.dll.

This is the correct way:

procedure LoadVCLStyle_UnInstall(VClStyleFile: String);      external 'LoadVCLStyleA@{#VCLStylesSkinPath}\VclStylesInno.dll stdcall uninstallonly'; 

Next time, just follow the official instructions for uninstalling the VCL Styles for Inno Setup.
