MySQL geospacial search using haversine formula returns null on same point

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 10:10:24


I'm trying to implement a geospacial search in a php application. Currently, I'm using the following query to find points within 10km of a given latitude and longitude:

SELECT * FROM (       SELECT *,              (6378.1 * ACOS(                   COS(RADIANS(48.856614)) * COS(RADIANS(latitude))                 * COS(RADIANS(2.3522219) - RADIANS(longitude))                 + SIN(RADIANS(48.856614))                 * SIN(RADIANS(latitude)))              ) AS distance       FROM `destinations_info`       WHERE latitude BETWEEN 48.856614  - (10 / 69)                AND 48.856614  + (10 / 69)         AND longitude BETWEEN 2.3522219 - (10 / (69 * COS(RADIANS(48.856614))))                AND 2.3522219 + (10 / (69 * COS(RADIANS(48.856614))))       ) d WHERE distance <= 10 LIMIT 1

This works fine as long I don't search for the exact latitude and longitude that is stored into the POI's table.

So for example if I have in my poi table the following entry

id     name     latitude    longitude 1      Paris    48.856614   2.3522219000000177

And I call the query with lat = 48.856614 and long = 2.3522219000000177 I won't get any results. As far as I see this happens because the following operation returns NULL and not 0 in mysql:

SELECT (6378.1 * acos(cos(radians(48.856614)) * cos(radians(48.856614)) * cos( radians(2.3522219) - radians(2.3522219)) + sin(radians(48.856614)) * sin(radians(48.856614)))) 

Running the same in Chrome Calculator I get 0 rad.

Is there something wrong in the query or do I need to include the NULL results as well using "OR IS NULL"


IFNULL( ... ),0) AS Distance will also help you to get around the error.


The problem is that acos is invoked with a value which is not in the range of -1 and 1, so it returns null.

SELECT cos(radians(48.856614)) * cos(radians(48.856614)) * cos( radians(2.3522219) - radians(2.3522219)) + sin(radians(48.856614)) * sin(radians(48.856614))  1.0000000000000002

It seems to be some sort of rounding issue.

Since, arc cos is defined only between -1 and 1, you probably should pre-check its parameter or be prepared that it can return null if something is wrong with the calculation.
