How to test AsyncTask triggered by a click?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 09:18:39


If the AsyncTask is triggered by a click event on a button, how can I test it - how can I wait until the AsyncTask completes?

Note I can always execute the AsyncTask directly in my test method, I know how to test such scenario. However, if I insist on on using simulating the onClick event using performClick() can I still test my registration process?


public class MainActivityFunctionalTest extends             ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<MainActivity> {     // ...         public void testRegistration() {         ImageButton submitBtn = (ImageButton) solo.getView(;         assertNotNull(submitBtn);           submitBtn.performClick();                 // How to do something when the registration is done?         }     // ...     }  

MainActivity (of the project to be tested)

ImageButton submitBtn = (ImageButton) findViewById(; submitBtn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {             public void onClick(View v) {                 sendRegistration();             }         });  public void sendRegistration() {         Processor processor = new Processor();// subclass of AsyncTask         processor.execute();     } 


you can do :

myAsyn obj = new myAsyn(); obj.execute();  while(obj.getStatus()==AsynTask.status.Finished) { //wait here }  //when it finishes , this code will going to execute. 


you can also use get() method to wait until task complete.


Use your Activity from your ActivityTestCase. Find the view by id and simply send the event to your view.

More info on runTestOnUiThread:

private void buttonTest(Activity activity, int buttonId){    Button button = (Button) activity.findViewById(buttonId);     assertNotNull("Button not allowed to be null", button);     button.performClick(); }  private void runButtonTest(Activity activity, int buttonId){        getInstrumentation().runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() {             public void run() {                 buttonTest(activity,buttonId);             }      Object o = activity.mAsyncTask.get();      assertNotNull(o); } 

Alternatively you can wait until Status of the AsyncTask changes to Status.Finished.


You can check the status of the asynctask using that you can perform your operations for more details check the link below
