In the extjs 4.1.1a code below is a working example of a line chart. Now I need to highlight a part of that chart on a given min and max timestamp.
{'xtype' : 'chart', 'store' : 'ChartData', 'height' : '100%', 'width' : '100%', 'legend' : {'position' : top}, 'axes': [{ 'title': 'Power', 'type': 'Numeric', 'position': 'left', 'fields': ['power'] },{ 'title': 'Timestamp', 'type': 'Numeric', 'position': 'bottom', 'fields': ['timestamp'], 'minorTickSteps': 3 }], 'series': [{ 'type': 'line', 'fill': true, 'axis' : 'left', 'xField': 'timestamp', 'yField': 'power' }]}
I've searched the sencha forum and found nothing in particular that meets my requirements. For now I managed to change the color of the points on the line chart with a custom renderer.
'renderer': function(sprite, record, attr, index, store) { var item = store.getAt(index); if(item != undefined && (item.get('timestamp') < startdate || item.get('timestamp') > enddate)){ return Ext.apply(attr, {'fill': '#00cc00', 'stroke-width': 3, 'radius': 4}); }else{ return Ext.apply(attr, {'fill': '#ff0000', 'stroke-width': 3, 'radius': 4}); }}
But I have not found a way to change the color below the line. Any suggestions on that?
UPDATE - Working fine now
I implement a solution based on the answer given by Colombo.
doCustomDrawing: function () {: function (p){ var me = this, chart = me.chart; if(chart.rendered){ var series = chart.series.items[0]; if (me.groupChain != null) { me.groupChain.destroy(); me.groupChain = null; } me.groupChain = Ext.create('Ext.draw.CompositeSprite', { surface: chart.surface }); if(series != null && series.items != null){ var surface = chart.surface; var pathV = 'M'; var first = true; // need first and last x cooridnate var mX = 0,hX = 0; Ext.each(series.items, function(item){ var storeItem = item.storeItem, pointX = item.point[0], pointY = item.point[1]; // based on given startdate and enddate start collection path coordinates if(!(storeItem.get('timestamp') < startdate || storeItem.get('timestamp') > enddate)){ if(hX<pointX){ hX = pointX; } if(first){ first = false; mX = pointX; pathV+= + pointX + ' ' + pointY; }else{ pathV+= ' L' + pointX + ' ' + pointY; } } }); var sprite = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Sprite', { type: 'path', fill: '#f00', surface: surface, // to draw a sprite with the area below the line we need the y coordinate of the x axe which is in my case items[1] path : pathV + ' L'+ hX + ' ' + chart.axes.items[1].y + ' L'+ mX + ' ' + chart.axes.items[1].y + 'z' }); me.groupChain.add(sprite);; } }}
This looks really good and has the effect I was hoping for and in case you resize the container the new sprite is cleared from the chart. Thx to Colombo again.