I know that elasticsearch takes in account the length of a field when computing the score of the documents retrieved by a query. The shorter the field, the higher the weight (see The field-length norm).
I like this behaviour: when I search for iphone
I am much more interested in iphone 6
than in Crappy accessories for: iphone 5 iphone 5s iphone 6
Now, I would like to try to boost this stuff, let's say that I want to double its importance.
I know that one can modify the score using the function score, and I guess that I can achieve what I want via script score.
I tried to add another field-length norm to the score like this:
{ "query": { "function_score": { "boost_mode": "replace", "query": {...}, "script_score": { "script": "_score + norm(doc)" } } } }
But I failed badly, getting this error: [No parser for element [function_score]]
My first error was that I hadn't wrapped the function score in a "query". Now I edited the code above. My new error says
GroovyScriptExecutionException[MissingMethodException [No signature of method: Script5.norm() is applicable for argument types: (org.elasticsearch.search.lookup.DocLookup) values: [<org.elasticsearch.search.lookup.DocLookup@2c935f6f>] Possible solutions: notify(), wait(), run(), run(), dump(), any()]]
EDIT: I provided a first answer, but I'm hoping for a better one