RDS with Cloud Formation and AZ issues

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 08:35:02


I am using cloud formation to create a setup containing an RDS instance.

I am having some difficulties creating the RDS Instance on the account of the following error:

DB Subnet Group doesn't meet availability zone coverage requirement. Please add subnets to cover at least 2 availability zones. Current coverage: 1

The problem is that the entire setup is on a single AZ... what am i supposed to do? just create an extra subnet in a different AZ that has nothing in it just for the RDS?

Maybe there is some way AWS can create that subnet automatically and leave me out of that mess. I don't want that extra subnet and I don't want to burden my users with selecting another AZ just for this.


Yes, even for a deployment entirely contained within a single Availability Zone [AZ], you must create an extra subnet in a different AZ and include it in your DB Subnet Group. The rationale for this requirement is to support high-availability Multi-AZ deployments, as noted in the Working with a DB Instance in a VPC section of the RDS User Guide:

For Multi-AZ deployments, defining a subnet for two or more Availability Zones in a region allows Amazon RDS to create a new standby in another Availability Zone should the need arise. You need to do this even for Single-AZ deployments, just in case you want to convert them to Multi-AZ deployments at some point.

As for not burdening your users with selecting another AZ just for this, there are ways to accomplish this. For example, you could select a secondary AZ automatically using the Fn::GetAZs and Fn::Select intrinsic functions. If you allow the user to select the primary AZ, you'll also need a Condition to ensure the secondary AZ doesn't equal the primary AZ selected.

Here's an example template snippet:

Properties:   PrimaryAZ:     Type: AWS::EC2::AvailabilityZone::Name     Description: Primary AZ Conditions:   IsFirstPrimaryAZ:     Fn::Equals:     - !Ref PrimaryAZ     - Fn::Select [0, {Fn::GetAZs: ""}] Resources:   Subnet1:     Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"     Properties:       AvailabilityZone: !Ref PrimaryAZ       # ...   Subnet2:     Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"     Properties:       AvailabilityZone:         Fn::If:         - IsFirstPrimaryAZ         - Fn::Select [1, {Fn::GetAZs: ""}]         - Fn::Select [0, {Fn::GetAZs: ""}]       # ... 


Yes. Just delete one of the subnets and create again the same with different Availability Zone.
