Is it possible to increment or decrement hex color values on a step-by-step basis in jQuery / javascript?
What I would like to do is something like this:
Adapting from a for-loop like
for (var i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { console.log(i); }
I would like to do something like
for (var color = 000000; color <= ffffff; color++) { console.log(color); }
without any conversion.
Is that possible? I've allready tried this:
for (var color = parseInt('000000', 16); color <= parseInt('ffffff', 16); color++){ console.log(color.toString(16)); }
and it works but it's terribly slow (I get the warning that the script is slowing down the website and if I want to stop the script).
The reason why I want to do this: I would like to change the color stops of svg gradients in a certain interval. If I had for example this svg (simplified):
<svg> ... <linearGradient> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#C8E3EF"/> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#C8E3EF"/> </linearGradient> ... </svg>
This gradient would of course appear as a solid color. Now I want to change it step by step to for example
<svg> ... <linearGradient> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#dfcf99"/> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#c5b6ec"/> </linearGradient> ... </svg>
At each step or interval I want to go one value closer to the target color (through addition/substraction). In the end the result should be a smooth color-animation. Is that possible without the conversion? It does not have to be a for-loop btw., I just chose it to illustrate my idea.
I wrote a gradient-function some time ago, maybe it helps you (returns an Array):
function gradient(startColor, endColor, steps) { var start = { 'Hex' : startColor, 'R' : parseInt(startColor.slice(1,3), 16), 'G' : parseInt(startColor.slice(3,5), 16), 'B' : parseInt(startColor.slice(5,7), 16) } var end = { 'Hex' : endColor, 'R' : parseInt(endColor.slice(1,3), 16), 'G' : parseInt(endColor.slice(3,5), 16), 'B' : parseInt(endColor.slice(5,7), 16) } diffR = end['R'] - start['R']; diffG = end['G'] - start['G']; diffB = end['B'] - start['B']; stepsHex = new Array(); stepsR = new Array(); stepsG = new Array(); stepsB = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { stepsR[i] = start['R'] + ((diffR / steps) * i); stepsG[i] = start['G'] + ((diffG / steps) * i); stepsB[i] = start['B'] + ((diffB / steps) * i); stepsHex[i] = '#' + Math.round(stepsR[i]).toString(16) + '' + Math.round(stepsG[i]).toString(16) + '' + Math.round(stepsB[i]).toString(16); } return stepsHex; }
Well you can do it simply by this way:
var incrementColor = function(color, step){ var colorToInt = parseInt(color.substr(1), 16), // Convert HEX color to integer nstep = parseInt(step); // Convert step to integer if(!isNaN(colorToInt) && !isNaN(nstep)){ // Make sure that color has been converted to integer colorToInt += nstep; // Increment integer with step var ncolor = colorToInt.toString(16); // Convert back integer to HEX ncolor = '#' + (new Array(7-ncolor.length).join(0)) + ncolor; // Left pad "0" to make HEX look like a color if(/^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/i.test(ncolor)){ // Make sure that HEX is a valid color return ncolor; } } return color; };
For steps:
- 1 by 1 to 256 increment last color
- 256 by 256 increment middle color
- 65536 by 65536 increment first color
A running example here: http://jsfiddle.net/a3JbB/
Use setInterval to remove exception(stack overflow). jsfiddle
var start = 0x000000, end = 0xFFFFFF, temp; var intervalId = setInterval(function(){ if(start== end){clearInterval(intervalId )}; temp = (start).toString(16); if(temp.length < 8){ temp = "0000000".substring(0, 8-temp.length)+temp; } start++; console.log(temp ); }, 10);