So: I have the following function, adapted from a formula found online, which takes two lat/lon coordinates and finds the distance between them in miles (along a spherical Earth):
public static double distance (double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) { double theta = toRadians(lon1-lon2); lat1 = toRadians(lat1); lon1 = toRadians(lon1); lat2 = toRadians(lat2); lon2 = toRadians(lon2); double dist = sin(lat1)*sin(lat2) + cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(theta); dist = toDegrees(acos(dist)) * 60 * 1.1515 * 1.609344 * 1000; return dist; }
As far as I can tell this works just fine.
What I need is a second function which, using the exact same model of the Earth's geometry, takes a single lat/lon pair [A], a heading, and a distance, and outputs a new lat/lon pair [B] such that if you started at point [A], and traveled the given distance at the given heading, you'd wind up at point [B].
This is where the fact that my geometry skills have left me entirely comes into play :)
Any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks, -Dan