Skipping Kerberos authentication prompts with JSch [duplicate]

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:58:02


This question already has an answer here:

I am using the Connect() method in the Ssh Java class below in order to connect to a server using SSH (JSch) and running a command in the server.

The problem is that when running Connect() the server prompts the next messages:

Kerberos username [********]:   Kerberos password for ********:  

And in order to continue running I need to manually press the Enter key twice, one for the user name and one for the password. I have tried to add the next code:

// Press ENTER Robot r = new Robot(); r.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); r.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); 

But this code only works for the user name, I can not figure out how to automatically press ENTER when the server asks for the password. So far I have tried to put another code snippet as the one shown above below the



package ConnectSSH;  import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import*;  import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelExec; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch; import com.jcraft.jsch.Session; import com.jcraft.jsch.UserInfo;  public class Ssh{      private static final String user = "********";     private static final String host = "********";     private static final Integer port = 22;     private static final String pass = "********";      public void Connect() throws Exception{         JSch jsch = new JSch();         Session session = jsch.getSession(user, host, port);         UserInfo ui = new SUserInfo(pass, null);         session.setUserInfo(ui);         session.setPassword(pass);         //Press ENTER         Robot r = new Robot();         r.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER);         r.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER);         session.connect();         ChannelExec channelExec = (ChannelExec)session.openChannel("exec");         InputStream in = channelExec.getInputStream();         channelExec.setCommand("RUN COMMAND");         channelExec.connect();         BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));         String linea = null;         int index = 0;         while ((linea = reader.readLine()) != null) {             System.out.println(++index + " : " + linea);         }         channelExec.disconnect();         session.disconnect();     }  } 

And this is the SUserInfo class

package ConnectSSH;  import com.jcraft.jsch.UserInfo;  public class SUserInfo implements UserInfo {      private String password;     private String passPhrase;      public SUserInfo (String password, String passPhrase) {         this.password = password;         this.passPhrase = passPhrase;     }      public String getPassphrase() {         return passPhrase;     }      public String getPassword() {         return password;     }      public boolean promptPassphrase(String arg0) {         return true;     }      public boolean promptPassword(String arg0) {         return false;     }      public boolean promptYesNo(String arg0) {         return true;     }      public void showMessage(String arg0) {         System.out.println("SUserInfo.showMessage()");     } } 

And this is what the logger returns:

INFO: Connecting to ****** port 22 INFO: Connection established INFO: Remote version string: SSH-2.0-Sun_SSH_1.1.2 INFO: Local version string: SSH-2.0-JSCH-0.1.52 INFO: CheckCiphers: aes256-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes128-ctr,aes256-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes128-cbc,3des-ctr,arcfour,arcfour128,arcfour256 INFO: aes256-ctr is not available. INFO: aes192-ctr is not available. INFO: aes256-cbc is not available. INFO: aes192-cbc is not available. INFO: CheckKexes: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521 INFO: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 is not available. INFO: CheckSignatures: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 INFO: SSH_MSG_KEXINIT sent INFO: SSH_MSG_KEXINIT received INFO: kex: server: gss-group1-sha1-toWM5Slw5Ew8Mqkay+al2g==,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 INFO: kex: server: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss INFO: kex: server: aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,arcfour,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes192-ctr,aes192-cbc,aes256-ctr,aes256-cbc INFO: kex: server: aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,arcfour,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes192-ctr,aes192-cbc,aes256-ctr,aes256-cbc INFO: kex: server: hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96 INFO: kex: server: hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96 INFO: kex: server: none,zlib INFO: kex: server: none,zlib INFO: kex: server: ar-EG,ar-SA,bg-BG,ca-ES,cs-CZ,da-DK,de,de-AT,de-CH,de-DE,de-LU,el-CY,el-GR,en-AU,en-CA,en-GB,en-IE,en-MT,en-NZ,en-US,es,es-AR,es-BO,es-CL,es-CO,es-CR,es-EC,es-ES,es-GT,es-MX,es-NI,es-PA,es-PE,es-PY,es-SV,es-UY,es-VE,et-EE,fi-FI,fr,fr-BE,fr-CA,fr-CH,fr-FR,fr-LU,he-IL,hi-IN,hr-HR,hu-HU,is-IS,it,it-IT,ja-JP,kk-KZ,ko,ko-KR,lt-LT,lv-LV,mk-MK,mt-MT,nb-NO,nl-BE,nl-NL,nn-NO,pl,pl-PL,pt-BR,pt-PT,ro-RO,ru,ru-RU,sh-BA,sk-SK,sl-SI,sq-AL,sr-CS,sv,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,uk-UA,zh,zh-CN,zh-HK,zh-TW,ar,ca,cz,da,el,et,fi,he,hu,ja,lt,lv,nl,no,no-NO,no-NY,nr,pt,sr-SP,sr-YU,th,tr,i-default INFO: kex: server: ar-EG,ar-SA,bg-BG,ca-ES,cs-CZ,da-DK,de,de-AT,de-CH,de-DE,de-LU,el-CY,el-GR,en-AU,en-CA,en-GB,en-IE,en-MT,en-NZ,en-US,es,es-AR,es-BO,es-CL,es-CO,es-CR,es-EC,es-ES,es-GT,es-MX,es-NI,es-PA,es-PE,es-PY,es-SV,es-UY,es-VE,et-EE,fi-FI,fr,fr-BE,fr-CA,fr-CH,fr-FR,fr-LU,he-IL,hi-IN,hr-HR,hu-HU,is-IS,it,it-IT,ja-JP,kk-KZ,ko,ko-KR,lt-LT,lv-LV,mk-MK,mt-MT,nb-NO,nl-BE,nl-NL,nn-NO,pl,pl-PL,pt-BR,pt-PT,ro-RO,ru,ru-RU,sh-BA,sk-SK,sl-SI,sq-AL,sr-CS,sv,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,uk-UA,zh,zh-CN,zh-HK,zh-TW,ar,ca,cz,da,el,et,fi,he,hu,ja,lt,lv,nl,no,no-NO,no-NY,nr,pt,sr-SP,sr-YU,th,tr,i-default INFO: kex: client: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521 INFO: kex: client: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384,ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 INFO: kex: client: aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,3des-ctr,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc INFO: kex: client: aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,3des-ctr,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc INFO: kex: client: hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96 INFO: kex: client: hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96 INFO: kex: client: none INFO: kex: client: none INFO: kex: client:  INFO: kex: client:  INFO: kex: server->client aes128-ctr hmac-md5 none INFO: kex: client->server aes128-ctr hmac-md5 none INFO: SSH_MSG_KEXDH_INIT sent INFO: expecting SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY INFO: ssh_rsa_verify: signature true WARN: Permanently added '********' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. INFO: SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS sent INFO: SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS received INFO: SSH_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST sent INFO: SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received INFO: Authentications that can continue: gssapi-with-mic,publickey,keyboard-interactive,password INFO: Next authentication method: gssapi-with-mic 

And then it shows the next message

Kerberos username [******]: Kerberos password for ********: 

Where the Enter key is pressed automatically for the username by the robot, but the Enter key for the password needs to be pressed from the keyboard.


You have a Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication set as the preferred, yet you does not seem to actually use/want it. As you claim not to specify any username or password for the Kerberos prompts.

The solution is to remove the Kerberos/GSSAPI (gssapi-with-mic) from the list of preferred authentication methods:

session.setConfig(     "PreferredAuthentications",      "publickey,keyboard-interactive,password"); 

Reference: SFTP connection through Java asking for weird authentication.


Try adding this:

config.put("PreferredAuthentications","publickey,keyboard-interactive,password"); session.setConfig(config); 
