i need to get the id for the inserted/updated record when using .upsert()
in sequelize.
right now .upsert()
returns a boolean indicating whether the row was created or updated.
return db.VenueAddress.upsert({ addressId:address.addressId, venueId: venue.venueId, street: address.street, zipCode: address.zipCode, venueAddressDeletedAt: null }).then(function(test){ //test returned here as true or false how can i get the inserted id here so i can insert data in other tables using this new id? });
I wanted upsert to return the created or updated object. It doesn't because only PGSQL supports it directly, apparently.
So I created a naive implementation that will - probably in a non-performant way, and possibly with all sorts of race conditions, do that:
Sequelize.Model.prototype.findCreateUpdate = function(findWhereMap, newValuesMap) { return this.findOrCreate({ where: findWhereMap, defaults: findWhereMap }) .spread(function(newObj, created) { // set: for(var key in newValuesMap) { newObj[key] = newValuesMap[key]; } return newObj.save(); }); };
Usage when trying to create/update a move in a game (contrived example alert!):
models.Game .findOne({where: {gameId: gameId}}) .then(function(game) { return db.Move.findCreateUpdate( {gameId: gameId, moveNum: game.moveNum+1}, {startPos: 'kr4', endPos: 'Kp2'} ); });
This is what worked for me:
Model.upsert({ title:your title, desc:your description, location:your locations }).then(function (test) { if(test){ res.status(200); res.send("Successfully stored"); }else{ res.status(200); res.send("Successfully inserted"); } })
It will check db to find based on your primary key. If it finds then, it will update the data otherwise it will create a new row/insert into a new row.
i know this is an old post, but in case this helps anyone
const upsert = async (model: any, values: any, condition: any): Promise<any> => { const obj = await model.findOne({ where: condition }) if (obj) { // only do update is value is different from queried object from db for (var key in values) { const val = values[key] if (parseFloat(obj[key]) !== val) { obj.isUpdatedRecord = true return obj.update(values) } } obj.isUpdatedRecord = false return obj } else { // insert const merged = { ...values, ...condition } return model.create(merged) } }
janmeier said:
This is only supported by postgres, so to keep the API consistent across dialects this is not possible.
please see : https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/issues/3354
I don't think that returning the upserted record was available when the OP asked this question, but it has since been implemented with this PR. As of Sequelize v4.32.1, you can pass a boolean "returns" as a query param to select between returning an array with the record and a boolean or just a boolean indicating whether or not a new record was created.
You do still need to provide the id of the record you want to upsert or a new record will be created.
For example:
const [record, created] = await Model.upsert( { id: 1, name: 'foo' }, // Record to upsert { returning: true } // Return upserted record );
Which I myself resolved as follows:
return db.VenueAddress.upsert({ addressId:address.addressId, venueId: venue.venueId, street: address.street, zipCode: address.zipCode, venueAddressDeletedAt: null },{individualHooks: true}).then(function(test){ // note individualHooks });