I'm trying to clone an entire repository onto my machine using linux. I used
git clone <url>
I then went into the folder where it was downloaded and typed
git branch
in the terminal. It's only showing me master and not other branches which were in the remote repository. How do I clone all branches?
I know that for each branch in the remote I can separately use
git checkout -b <name of local branch> origin/<name of remote branch>
but is there any way other than that?
(1) Inside git local repostitory, create a new sh file
touch getAllBranches.sh vi getAllBranches.sh
(2) Insert the below content to getAllBranches.sh
for branch in `git branch -a | grep remotes | grep -v HEAD | grep -v master `; do git branch --track ${branch#remotes/origin/} $branch done
(3) Get all branches:
chmod +x getAllBranches.sh sh getAllBranches.sh
(4) Check result at local repository:
git branch
For example, I use repository: https://github.com/donhuvy/spring-boot
As you can see, I have been fetched all branches to local machine:
This isn't too much complicated, very simple and straight forward steps are as follows:
After cloning the repo, run $ cd myproject
git branch -a
This will show you all the remote branches.
$ git branch -a * master remotes/origin/HEAD remotes/origin/master remotes/origin/v1.0-stable remotes/origin/experimental
If you want to work on remote branch, you'll need to create a local tracking branch:
$ git checkout -b experimental origin/experimental
Verify whether you are in the desired branch by the following command;
$ git branch
The output will like this;
*experimental master some branch2 some branch3
Notice the * sign that denotes the current branch.
It's only showing me master and not other branches which were in the remote repository. How do I clone all branches?
Branches are essentially pointers to commits. When you do a git clone
(or a git fetch
), you retrieve all of the commits from the remote repository, and all of its branches as well.
However, git branch
does not show remote branches by default. Instead, it shows you your local branches, which may or may not have any relation to branches that exist on the remote. If you run git branch --all
, git will report all of the branches it knows about, both local and remote.
It's worth noting that tags do not operate this way, and there is no distinction between a local and remote tag.
git clone --bare <repository url goes here> .git
Then after the repo is clone with all its branches then do the following
git config --bool core.bare false git reset --hard