Android Room - simple select query - Cannot access database on the main thread

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:58:03


I am trying a sample with Room Persistence Library. I created an Entity:

@Entity public class Agent {     @PrimaryKey     public String guid;     public String name;     public String email;     public String password;     public String phone;     public String licence; } 

Created a DAO class:

@Dao public interface AgentDao {     @Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Agent where email = :email OR phone = :phone OR licence = :licence")     int agentsCount(String email, String phone, String licence);      @Insert     void insertAgent(Agent agent); } 

Created the Database class:

@Database(entities = {Agent.class}, version = 1) public abstract class AppDatabase extends RoomDatabase {     public abstract AgentDao agentDao(); } 

Exposed database using below subclass in Kotlin:

class MyApp : Application() {      companion object DatabaseSetup {         var database: AppDatabase? = null     }      override fun onCreate() {         super.onCreate()         MyApp.database =  Room.databaseBuilder(this,, "MyDatabase").build()     } } 

Implemented below function in my activity:

void signUpAction(View view) {         String email = editTextEmail.getText().toString();         String phone = editTextPhone.getText().toString();         String license = editTextLicence.getText().toString();          AgentDao agentDao = MyApp.DatabaseSetup.getDatabase().agentDao();         //1: Check if agent already exists         int agentsCount = agentDao.agentsCount(email, phone, license);         if (agentsCount > 0) {             //2: If it already exists then prompt user             Toast.makeText(this, "Agent already exists!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();         }         else {             Toast.makeText(this, "Agent does not exist! Hurray :)", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();             onBackPressed();         }     } 

Unfortunately on execution of above method it crashes with below stack trace:

Seems like that problem is related to execution of db operation on main thread. However the sample test code provided in above link does not run on a separate thread:

@Test     public void writeUserAndReadInList() throws Exception {         User user = TestUtil.createUser(3);         user.setName("george");         mUserDao.insert(user);         List byName = mUserDao.findUsersByName("george");         assertThat(byName.get(0), equalTo(user));     } 

Am I missing anything over here? How can I make it execute without crash? Please suggest.


Database access on main thread locking the UI is the error, like Dale said.

Something like the following code should work inside the signUpAction(View view) method...

final AgentDao agentDao = MyApp.DatabaseSetup.getDatabase().agentDao(); new AsyncTask() {             @Override             protected Integer doInBackground(Void... params) {                 return agentDao.agentsCount(email, phone, license);             }              @Override             protected void onPostExecute(Integer agentsCount) {                 if (agentsCount > 0) {                     //2: If it already exists then prompt user                     Toast.makeText(Activity.this, "Agent already exists!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();                 }                 else {                     Toast.makeText(Activity.this, "Agent does not exist! Hurray :)", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();                     onBackPressed();                 }             }         }.execute(); 

*Replace Activity.this with [your activity].this

Or creating a new class extending AsyncTask would be cleaner.

Also, your question about the Google's test example... They state in that web page:

The recommended approach for testing your database implementation is writing a JUnit test that runs on an Android device. Because these tests don't require creating an activity, they should be faster to execute than your UI tests.

No Activity, no UI.


For people wondering... You have other options. I recommend taking a look into the new ViewModel and LiveData components. LiveData works great with Room.

Another option is the RxJava/RxAndroid. More powerful but more complex than LiveData.


It's not recommended but you can access to database on main thread with allowMainThreadQueries()

MyApp.database =  Room.databaseBuilder(this,, "MyDatabase").allowMainThreadQueries().build() 


For all the RxJava or RxAndroid or RxKotlin lovers out there

Observable.just(db)           .subscribeOn(           .subscribe { db -> // database operation } 


Straight-forward code using Kotlin Coroutines

AsyncTask is really clunky. Kotlin coroutines is a cleaner alternative (essentially just your synchronous code with a couple of extra keywords).

# Coroutines opt-in kotlin.coroutines=enable 

UI thread (non-blocking):

private fun myFun() {     launch(UI) {         val query = async(CommonPool) { // Async stuff             MyApp.DatabaseSetup.database.agentDao().agentsCount(email, phone, license)         }          val agentsCount = query.await()         // do UI stuff     } } 

The suspend keyword ensures async methods are only called from within async blocks, however (as noted by @Robin) this doesn't play nicely with Room annotated methods.

// Wrap API to use suspend (probably not worth it) public suspend fun agentsCount(...): Int = agentsCountPrivate(...)  @Query("SELECT ...") protected abstract fun agentsCountPrivate(...): Int 


With the Jetbrains Anko library, you can use the doAsync{..} method to automatically execute database calls. This takes care of the verbosity problem you seemed to have been having with mcastro's answer.

Example usage:

    doAsync {          Application.database.myDAO().insertUser(user)      } 

I use this frequently for inserts and updates, however for select queries I reccommend using the RX workflow.


The error message,

Cannot access database on the main thread since it may potentially lock the UI for a long periods of time.

Is quite descriptive and accurate. The question is how should you avoid accessing the database on the main thread. That is a huge topic, but to get started, read about AsyncTask (click here)


I see you are having problems when you run a unit test. You have a couple of choices to fix this:

  1. Run the test directly on the development machine rather than on an Android device (or emulator). This works for tests that are database-centric and don't really care whether they are running on a device.

  2. Use the annotation @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) to run the test on the android device, but not in an activity with a UI. More details about this can be found in this tutorial


You cannot run it on main thread instead use handlers, async or working threads . A sample code is available here and read article over room library here : Android's Room Library

/**  *  Insert and get data using Database Async way  */ AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() {     @Override     public void run() {         // Insert Data         AppDatabase.getInstance(context).userDao().insert(new User(1,"James","Mathew"));          // Get Data         AppDatabase.getInstance(context).userDao().getAllUsers();     } }); 

If you want to run it on main thread which is not preferred way .

You can use this method to achieve on main thread Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder()


For quick queries you can allow room to execute it on UI thread.

AppDatabase db = Room.databaseBuilder(context.getApplicationContext(),         AppDatabase.class, DATABASE_NAME).allowMainThreadQueries().build(); 

In my case I had to figure out of the clicked user in list exists in database or not. If not then create the user and start another activity

       @Override         public void onClick(View view) {                int position = getAdapterPosition();              User user = new User();             String name = getName(position);             user.setName(name);              AppDatabase appDatabase = DatabaseCreator.getInstance(mContext).getDatabase();             UserDao userDao = appDatabase.getUserDao();             ArrayList users = new ArrayList();             users.add(user);             List ids = userDao.insertAll(users);              Long id = ids.get(0);             if(id == -1)             {                 user = userDao.getUser(name);                 user.setId(user.getId());             }             else             {                 user.setId(id);             }              Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, ChatActivity.class);             intent.putExtra(ChatActivity.EXTRAS_USER, Parcels.wrap(user));             mContext.startActivity(intent);         }     } 


An elegant RxJava/Kotlin solution is to use Completable.fromCallable, which will give you an Observable which does not return a value, but can observed and subscribed on a different thread.

public Completable insert(Event event) {     return Completable.fromCallable(new Callable() {         @Override         public Void call() throws Exception {             return database.eventDao().insert(event)         }     } } 

Or in Kotlin:

fun insert(event: Event) : Completable = Completable.fromCallable {     database.eventDao().insert(event) } 

You can the observe and subscribe as you would usually:

dataManager.insert(event)     .subscribeOn(scheduler)     .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())     .subscribe(...) 


You can allow database access on the main thread but only for debugging purpose, you shouldn't do this on production.

Here is the reason.

Note: Room doesn't support database access on the main thread unless you've called allowMainThreadQueries() on the builder because it might lock the UI for a long period of time. Asynchronous queries―queries that return instances of LiveData or Flowable―are exempt from this rule because they asynchronously run the query on a background thread when needed.


You can't access the database directly on the main thread, for example:

 public void add(MyEntity item) {      appDatabase.myDao().add(item);   } 

You have to extend AsyncTask for update, add, and delete in the ViewModel.


public class MyViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {      private LiveData> list;      private AppDatabase appDatabase;      public MyViewModel(Application application) {         super(application);          appDatabase = AppDatabase.getDatabase(this.getApplication());         list = appDatabase.myDao().getItems();     }      public LiveData> getItems() {         return list;     }      public void delete(Obj item) {         new deleteAsyncTask(appDatabase).execute(item);     }      private static class deleteAsyncTask extends AsyncTask {          private AppDatabase db;          deleteAsyncTask(AppDatabase appDatabase) {             db = appDatabase;         }          @Override         protected Void doInBackground(final MyEntity... params) {             db.myDao().delete((params[0]));             return null;         }     }      public void add(final MyEntity item) {         new addAsyncTask(appDatabase).execute(item);     }      private static class addAsyncTask extends AsyncTask {          private AppDatabase db;          addAsyncTask(AppDatabase appDatabase) {             db = appDatabase;         }          @Override         protected Void doInBackground(final MyEntity... params) {             db.myDao().add((params[0]));             return null;         }      } } 


If you are more comfortable with Async task:

  new AsyncTask() {                 @Override                 protected Integer doInBackground(Void... voids) {                     return Room.databaseBuilder(getApplicationContext(),                             AppDatabase.class, DATABASE_NAME)                             .fallbackToDestructiveMigration()                             .build()                             .getRecordingDAO()                             .getAll()                             .size();                 }                  @Override                 protected void onPostExecute(Integer integer) {                     super.onPostExecute(integer);                     Toast.makeText(HomeActivity.this, "Found " + integer, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();                 }             }.execute(); 
