In Ubuntu, I am installing all the R packages in the directory, /usr/lib/R/site-library by specifying lib option in install.packages().
But when I try to install the development version of the R packages using, install_github(), it always installs in a local repository of the system user.
.libPaths() has 4 directories including the local repository. So, I have 2 questions,
Will it install in any of the other 3 repositories if i remove the local repository from .libPaths()?
Is there any way to specify installation library path in install_github()?
install_github takes a ... argument that passes to devtools::install. devtools::install has an args argument.
args An optional character vector of additional command line arguments to be passed to R CMD install. This defaults to the value of the option "devtools.install.args".
R CMD install takes a library argument
Options:-h,--help printshort help message andexit-v,--version print INSTALL version info andexit-c,--clean remove files created during installation --preclean remove files created during a previous run -d,--debug turn on debugging messages and build a debug DLL -l,--library=LIB install packages to library tree LIB