Take screenshot in Python ― Cross Platform

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:39:01


I need to take a screenshot and send it via post to a web service. I think for the post part i will use liburl.

Can this be accomplished completely cross platform and without having the need for the final user to install additional libraries/software?


There is not anything in the standard library that can do this for you. Theoretically, you might do it yourself by making os-dependent system calls with ctypes but that seems like a lot of unnecessary work to me. Here is a working script to make a screenshot using wxPython:

import wx  app = wx.App(False)  s = wx.ScreenDC() w, h = s.Size.Get() b = wx.EmptyBitmap(w, h) m = wx.MemoryDCFromDC(s) m.SelectObject(b) m.Blit(0, 0, w, h, s, 0, 0) m.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) b.SaveFile("screenshot.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)


You could also use PyQt5 for this:

import sys from PyQt5.QtGui import QGuiApplication from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication  app = QApplication(sys.argv) screen = QGuiApplication.primaryScreen() desktopPixmap = screen.grabWindow(0) desktopPixmap.save('screendump.png')
