Data Augmentation in Tensorflow Object Detection API

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:36:02


In config file, we are given the default Augmentation option as shown below.

data_augmentation_options {     random_horizontal_flip {     }   } 

But I wondered how it works with the bounding box(ground truth box) values given with the training images. so I looked at, random_horizontal_flip() takes 'boxes=None' parameter. Since no argument is given in the config file, I assume this flip does not account bounding box when it does the random horizontal flip.

My question is what arguments do I use to add the value of bounding box in the config file in the code snippet section shown above.


The boxes will get flipped too. If you look down in the preprocessor file, you'll notice a map that defines what inputs of the tensor dictionary will get passed into the preprocessing function. The groundtruth boxes are passed into random_horizontal_flip.
