I am using boto3 code to download file from s3.Here is the following code.
for record in event['Records']: bucket = record['s3']['bucket']['name'] key = record['s3']['object']['key'] print (key) if key.find('/') < 0 : if len(key) > 4 and key[-5:].lower() == '.json': //File is uploaded outside any folder download_path = '/tmp/{}{}'.format(uuid.uuid4(), key) else: download_path = '/tmp/{}/{}'.format(uuid.uuid4(), key)//File is uploaded inside a folder
If a new file is uploaded in s3 bucket,this code is triggered and that newly uploaded file is downloaded by this code.
This code works fine,when uploaded outside any folder.
However,when i upload a file inside a directory,IO error happens. Here is a dump of the IO error i am encountering.
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: /tmp/316bbe85-fa21-463b-b965-9c12b0327f5d/test1/customer1.json.586ea9b8: IOError
test1 is the directory inside my s3 bucket,where customer1.json is uploaded.
Any thoughts on ,how to resolve this error?
Error raised because you attempted to download and save file into directory which not exists. Use os.mkdir prior downloading file to create an directory.
# ... else: item_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) os.mkdir('/tmp/{}'.format(item_uuid)) download_path = '/tmp/{}/{}'.format(item_uuid, key) # File is uploaded inside a folder
Note: It's better to use os.path.join() while operating with systems paths. So code above could be rewritten to:
# ... else: item_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) os.mkdir(os.path.join(['tmp', item_uuid])) download_path = os.path.join(['tmp', item_uuid, key]))
Also error may be raises because you including '/tmp/' in download path for s3 bucket file, do not include tmp
folder as likely it's not exists on s3. Ensure you are on the right way by using that articles:
thanks for helping Andriy Ivaneyko,I found an solution using boto3.
Using this following code i am able to accomplish my task.
for record in event['Records']: bucket = record['s3']['bucket']['name'] key = record['s3']['object']['key'] fn='/tmp/xyz' fp=open(fn,'w') response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket,Key=key) contents = response['Body'].read() fp.write(contents) fp.close()