netlogo: how to make turtles stop for a set number of ticks then continue

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:12:01


I'm trying to create a model where turtles walk randomly (but with a tendency for forward movement) until they land on a yellow coloured patch which represents a baited object.

When a turtle lands on one of the yellow patches, I'd like it to stop on that patch and stay there for 15 ticks whilst it 'investigates' the bait.

After 15 ticks have elapsed I want the turtles to continue moving as usual until they encounter another yellow patch.

I've attempted to modify parts of this parked card model in the netlogo modelling commons but couldn't really make sense of it (I'm new to netlogo)

I've also tried implementing a count-down timer as described in this thread How can one create a countdown timer in NetLogo?

However I receive a runtime error 'Only the observer can ASK the set of all turtles' when I try to run the simulation. Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong? Probably several places! Thanks.

Here's the code that's causing the runtime error:

turtles-own [count-down]  to setup  clear-all ask patches with [count neighbors != 8] [set pcolor blue]                     create-turtles 20 ask turtles   [setxy random-xcor random-ycor   pen-down]     ask n-of 20 patches [ set pcolor yellow ]                     reset-ticks end  to go  move-turtles  tick  if ticks >= 720 [stop]   end   to move-turtles ask turtles   [ ifelse pcolor != yellow   [continue]   [stay]   ]  end   to continue ask turtles    [rt -90 + random 181] ask turtles [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = blue [ lt random-float 360 ]    [fd 1]   ] end  to stay ask turtles  [ setup-timer decrement-timer if timer-expired? [continue] ] end  to setup-timer set count-down 15 end  to decrement-timer set count-down count-down - 1 end  to-report timer-expired? report ( count-down 


This is just one example, How many ticks they should stay in the yellow area? i Assumed 15 ticks and I ask turtles to print their tick number on their label too, if it runs too fast you might miss their stay so adjust running speed for your model to see when they stay and when they move. You can have different methods to continue , in this one they just move 1 patch forward.

turtles-own [count-down]  to setup    clear-all   ask patches with [count neighbors != 8]   [set pcolor blue]                       create-turtles 20   ask turtles    [setxy random-xcor random-ycor      pen-down     set count-down 15   ]       ask n-of 20 patches   [ set pcolor yellow ]                       reset-ticks end  to go   move-turtles   tick   if ticks >= 720 [stop]  end   to move-turtles   ask turtles   [ ifelse pcolor != yellow     [continue]     [stay]   ] end  To continue      rt random 10   fd 1  end   to stay      set count-down count-down - 1   ;decrement-timer   set label count-down       if count-down = 0      [       Continue       set label ""       reset-count-down     ]      end  to reset-count-down      set count-down 15  end 


To answer just the part about "Only the observer can ASK the set of all turtles", that error message happens if you do:

ask turtles [   ask turtles [     do-something   ] ] 

This isn't allowed in NetLogo because it's almost always accidental rather than intentional. You probably just wanted each turtle to "do-something" once; you probably didn't mean for each turtle to "do-something" for every possible pair of two turtles.

It's less obvious that you're having all turtles ask all turtles if it's split across procedures. So for example if you write:

to go   ask turtles [ my-procedure ] end  to my-procedure   ask turtles [ do-something ] end 

It's still wrong for the same reason, but it isn't as easy to see that just from glancing at it.

Your code follows this latter pattern. You have:

to move-turtles   ask turtles [     ...     continue     ...   ] end  to continue   ask turtles [     rt -90     ...   ] end 

I don't think you want to do ask turtles in the continue procedure. Since you call the procedure inside ask turtles, it's already a turtle procedure. I'd suggest writing it as:

to continue  ;; turtle procedure   rt -90   ... end 

The comment reminds you that it's intended to be run by turtles. (We follow this style in all of the models in the Models Library.)
