SaltStack and GitFS - No Top file or external nodes data matches found

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:05:01


Here is my /etc/salt/master config:

#GitFS gitfs_provider: pygit2 gitfs_base: DEVELOPMENT gitfs_env_whitelist:   - base  fileserver_backend:   - git gitfs_remotes:   - ssh://     - pubkey: /root/.ssh/     - privkey: /root/.ssh/my     - mountpoint: salt:///srv/salt/salt-states 

Here is my directory structure for the repo:

. |-- |-- formulas |   `-- test |       |-- test.sls `-- top.sls 

Here is my very basic top.sls:

base:   '*':     - test 

If i try to run highstate on my test node I get:

root@saltmaster:/etc/salt] salt -v '*' state.highstate Executing job with jid 1234567890 -------------------------------------------  test-minion.domain: ----------           ID: states     Function: no.None       Result: False      Comment: No Top file or external nodes data matches found.      Started:     Duration:      Changes:  Summary for test-minion.domain ------------ Succeeded: 0 Failed:    1 ------------ Total states run:     1 Total run time:   0.000 ms 

I'm not sure why this isn't working and would appreciate any help with this. I've tried just applying the test.sls to see if it was the top file that was the issue but I got this:

root@saltmaster:/etc/salt] salt -v '*' state.sls test Executing job with jid 1234567890 -------------------------------------------  test-minion.domain:     Data failed to compile: ----------     No matching sls found for 'test' in env 'base' 


I had a similar problem, which was due to the cache being out of sync and not updating. If I tried to run:

salt-run fileserver.update 

I got:

[WARNING ] Update lock file is present for gitfs remote '', skipping. If this warning persists, it is possible that the update process was interrupted, but the lock could also have been manually set. Removing /var/cache/salt/master/gitfs/7d8d9790a933949777fd5a58284b8850/.git/ or running 'salt-run cache.clear_git_lock gitfs type=update' will allow updates to continue for this remote.

Deleting the cache file specified, and running the above command fixed the problem.


I talked to the folks on the saltstack IRC and someone helped me fix the problem. It seems that adding a mountpoint was screwing everything up. Credit goes to:

12:20] ==  realname : Thomas Phipps [12:20] ==  channels : #salt [12:20] ==  server   : [NL] [12:20] ==           : is using a secure connection [12:20] ==  account  : whytewolf [12:20] == End of WHOIS 
