I am writing a little app where the user creates an event and specifies the date that event will occur. After the event date has past, I want to delete that event instance. My current attempt is throwing a function that checks if the event should expire in the event page view. I am not sure whether the expiration_check function is checking in a correct way, nor am I sure whether just having a function in the view will event work.
Here is my view and expire function:
def event_page(request, name): event = Event.objects.get(name=name) check_expiration(event) if request.method == "POST": form = GuestForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): Guest = form.save(commit=False) Guest.event = event Guest.save() return redirect(event) else: form = GuestForm() return render(request, "event_page.html", {"form": form, "event": event, }) def check_expiration(event): now = datetime.datetime.now() if event.date
I collect the date from the user and store it in a DateTime filed: date = models.DateField()
Let me know if any further details are needed. Any insight is appreciated, thanks!