在前半部分的练习中,你将实现正则化线性回归,以预测水库中的水位变化,从而预测大坝流出的水量。在下半部分中,您将通过一些调试学习算法的诊断,并检查偏差 v.s. 方差的影响。
1.1 Visualizing the dataset
- training set 训练集:训练模型
- cross validation set 交叉验证集:选择正则化参数
- test set 测试集:评估性能,模型训练中不曾用过的样本
%matplotlib inline import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.io import loadmat import scipy.optimize as opt
path = 'ex5data1.mat' data = loadmat(path) #Training set X, y = data['X'], data['y'] #Cross validation set Xval, yval = data['Xval'], data['yval'] #Test set Xtest, ytest = data['Xtest'], data['ytest'] #Insert a column of 1's to all of the X's, as usual X = np.insert(X ,0,1,axis=1) Xval = np.insert(Xval ,0,1,axis=1) Xtest = np.insert(Xtest,0,1,axis=1) print('X={},y={}'.format(X.shape, y.shape)) print('Xval={},yval={}'.format(Xval.shape, yval.shape)) print('Xtest={},ytest={}'.format(Xtest.shape, ytest.shape))
X=(12, 2),y=(12, 1) Xval=(21, 2),yval=(21, 1) Xtest=(21, 2),ytest=(21, 1)
def plotData(): """瞧一瞧数据长啥样""" plt.figure(figsize=(8,5)) plt.scatter(X[:,1:], y, c='r', marker='x') plt.xlabel('Change in water level (x)') plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam (y)') plt.grid(True) plotData()
1.2 Regularized linear regression cost function
def costReg(theta, X, y, l): '''do not regularizethe theta0 theta is a 1-d array with shape (n+1,) X is a matrix with shape (m, n+1) y is a matrix with shape (m, 1) ''' cost = ((X @ theta - y.flatten()) ** 2).sum() regterm = l * (theta[1:] @ theta[1:]) return (cost + regterm) / (2 * len(X))
Using theta initialized at [1, 1], and lambda = 1, you should expect to see an output of 303.993192
theta = np.ones(X.shape[1]) print(costReg(theta, X, y, 1)) # 303.9931922202643
1.3 Regularized linear regression gradient
def gradientReg(theta, X, y, l): """ theta: 1-d array with shape (2,) X: 2-d array with shape (12, 2) y: 2-d array with shape (12, 1) l: lambda constant grad has same shape as theta (2,) """ grad = (X @ theta - y.flatten()) @ X regterm = l * theta regterm[0] = 0 # #don't regulate bias term return (grad + regterm) / len(X) # Using theta initialized at [1; 1] you should expect to see a # gradient of [-15.303016; 598.250744] (with lambda=1) print(gradientReg(theta, X, y, 1))
def trainLinearReg(X, y, l): theta = np.zeros(X.shape[1]) res = opt.minimize(fun=costReg, x0=theta, args=(X, y ,l), method='TNC', jac=gradientReg) return res.x
fit_theta = trainLinearReg(X, y, 0) plotData() plt.plot(X[:,1], X @ fit_theta)
这里我们把 = 0,因为我们现在实现的线性回归只有两个参数,这么低的维度,正则化并没有用。
2 Bias-variance
通过theta计算训练代价和交叉验证代价,切记此时不要使用正则化,将 。
def plot_learning_curve(X, y, Xval, yval, l): """画出学习曲线,即交叉验证误差和训练误差随样本数量的变化的变化""" xx = range(1, len(X) + 1) # at least has one example training_cost, cv_cost = [], [] for i in xx: res = trainLinearReg(X[:i], y[:i], l) training_cost_i = costReg(res, X[:i], y[:i], 0) cv_cost_i = costReg(res, Xval, yval, 0) training_cost.append(training_cost_i) cv_cost.append(cv_cost_i) plt.figure(figsize=(8,5)) plt.plot(xx, training_cost, label='training cost') plt.plot(xx, cv_cost, label='cv cost') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Number of training examples') plt.ylabel('Error') plt.title('Learning curve for linear regression') plt.grid(True)
learningCurve(X, y, Xval, yval, 0)
3.1 Learning Polynomial Regression
def genPolyFeatures(X, power): """添加多项式特征 每次在array的最后一列插入第二列的i+2次方(第一列为偏置) 从二次方开始开始插入(因为本身含有一列一次方) """ Xpoly = X.copy() for i in range(2, power + 1): Xpoly = np.insert(Xpoly, Xpoly.shape[1], np.power(Xpoly[:,1], i), axis=1) return Xpoly def get_means_std(X): """获取训练集的均值和误差,用来标准化所有数据。""" means = np.mean(X,axis=0) stds = np.std(X,axis=0,ddof=1) # ddof=1 means 样本标准差 return means, stds def featureNormalize(myX, means, stds): """标准化""" X_norm = myX.copy() X_norm[:,1:] = X_norm[:,1:] - means[1:] X_norm[:,1:] = X_norm[:,1:] / stds[1:] return X_norm
获取添加多项式特征以及 标准化之后的数据。
power = 6 # 扩展到x的6次方 train_means, train_stds = get_means_std(genPolyFeatures(X,power)) X_norm = featureNormalize(genPolyFeatures(X,power), train_means, train_stds) Xval_norm = featureNormalize(genPolyFeatures(Xval,power), train_means, train_stds) Xtest_norm = featureNormalize(genPolyFeatures(Xtest,power), train_means, train_stds)
def plot_fit(means, stds, l): """画出拟合曲线""" theta = trainLinearReg(X_norm,y, l) x = np.linspace(-75,55,50) xmat = x.reshape(-1, 1) xmat = np.insert(xmat,0,1,axis=1) Xmat = genPolyFeatures(xmat, power) Xmat_norm = featureNormalize(Xmat, means, stds) plotData() plt.plot(x, Xmat_norm@theta,'b--')
plot_fit(train_means, train_stds, 0) plot_learning_curve(X_norm, y, Xval_norm, yval, 0)
3.2 Adjusting the regularization parameter
上图可以看到 = 0时,训练误差太小了,明显过拟合了。
我们继续调整 = 1 时:
plot_fit(train_means, train_stds, 1) plot_learning_curve(X_norm, y, Xval_norm, yval, 1)
我们继续调整 = 100 时,很明显惩罚过多,欠拟合了
plot_fit(train_means, train_stds, 100) plot_learning_curve(X_norm, y, Xval_norm, yval, 100)
3.3 Selecting 位 using a cross validation set
lambdas = [0., 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1., 3., 10.] errors_train, errors_val = [], [] for l in lambdas: theta = trainLinearReg(X_norm, y, l) errors_train.append(costReg(theta,X_norm,y,0)) # 记得把lambda = 0 errors_val.append(costReg(theta,Xval_norm,yval,0)) plt.figure(figsize=(8,5)) plt.plot(lambdas,errors_train,label='Train') plt.plot(lambdas,errors_val,label='Cross Validation') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('lambda') plt.ylabel('Error') plt.grid(True)
# 可以看到时交叉验证代价最小的是 lambda = 3 lambdas[np.argmin(errors_val)] # 3.0
3.4 Computing test set error
In our cross validation, we obtained a test error of 3.8599 for λ = 3.
theta = trainLinearReg(X_norm, y, 3) print('test cost(l={}) = {}'.format(3, costReg(theta, Xtest_norm, ytest, 0))) # for l in lambdas: # theta = trainLinearReg(X_norm, y, l) # print('test cost(l={}) = {}'.format(l, costReg(theta, Xtest_norm, ytest, 0)))
test cost(l=3) = 4.7552720391599