Doing dependency injection using monad stacks

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-01 17:33:32

Instead of tying implementations to specific newtypes, perhaps you could have "free-floating" implementation functions that required access to IO and to some necessary bookkeeping state, like

data WeatherState = WeatherState -- dummy
fetch' :: (MonadState WeatherState m,MonadIO m) => m WeatherData
fetch' = undefined 
data StorageState = StorageState -- dummy
store' :: (MonadState StorageState m,MonadIO m) => WeatherData -> m ()
store' = undefined 
data ReporterState = ReporterState -- dummy
report' :: (MonadState ReporterState m,MonadIO m) => WeatherData -> m ()
report' = undefined

"Injecting" would mean creating some newtype over a StateT carrying the required states, and then declaring instances like

newtype Injected a = 
    Injected { getInjected :: StateT (WeatherState,StorageState,ReportState) a } 
    deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad)

instance WeatherService Injected where
    fetch = Injected $ zoom _1 fetch'

instance Storage Injected where
    store x = Injected $ zoom _2 $ store' x

instance Reporter Injected where
    report x = Injected $ zoom _3 $ report' x

(_1 is from microlens and zoom from microlens-mtl.)
