What Android methods are called when battery dies?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-01 16:38:49


When the battery on my Android device dies what methods in the Activity and Fragment classes (if any) are called during the "Powering Off" stage of the device?

Also, if a user is currently looking at a screen in my app and they hold the power button and choose switch off, do the events called/not called coincide with when the battery is depleted and shuts down automatically?





Bonus: Will I have enough time to save a small amount of data to a web server?

To clarify "dies" when the device's battery is 'completely' dead, accepts no more input and a message box/loading screen pops up on the screen stating "Powering Off". Shortly there after the device switches off.

I just need enough time to save a forms state before the phone switches off, I have a strategy to clean the saved data should the phone not switch off, but I want to get as close to the phone switching off as possible (any more than a minute is pointless really).


onDestroy is called on everything when the battery reaches 0.5%

EDIT: There is no specified time that you have to do anything in the shutdown process resulting from low/dead battery, that would be dependent on the specific phone battery and not the system, so you may have enough time to save data to a web server on some phones but not others. Experimentally, I have only been able to write a short line to a file I was already writing to before onDestroy was called and nothing more.


The methods you have mentioned is activity life cycle callback, none of them will be called when battery is low. You need to use a broadcast receiver for this

See this How to detect when the Battery's low : Android?

