How to create a Azure Function, Function Key when your functions are set to Readonly

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-01 12:54:37

Found this interesting article on how to manage azure functions keys from Powershell:

Also official documentation (was hard to find this wiki):

Here are the key points:

  1. Get the publishing credentials
  2. Generate the Kudu API Authorisation token
  3. Call Kudu /api/functions/admin/token to get a JWT that can be used with the Functions Key API
  4. Then you can do whatever you want

Here is my existing script

    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $resourceGroupName,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $functionappName,
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $keyname,
    [string] [Parameter()] $slot

if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($slot)){
    $apiBaseUrl = "https://$functionappName-$"
    $siteBaseUrl = "https://$functionappName-$"
    $resourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/config"
    $resourceName = "$functionappName/$slot/publishingcredentials"
else {
    $apiBaseUrl = "https://$"
    $siteBaseUrl = "https://$"
    $resourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/config"
    $resourceName = "$functionappName/publishingcredentials"

Write-Host "Get the publishing credentials"
$publishingCredentials = Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ResourceType $resourceType -ResourceName $resourceName -Action list -ApiVersion 2015-08-01 -Force

Write-Host "Generate the Kudu API Authorisation Token"
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingUserName, $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingPassword)))

Write-Host "Call Kudu /api/functions/admin/token to get a JWT that can be used with the Functions Key API"
$jwt = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$apiBaseUrl/functions/admin/token" -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} -Method GET

Write-Host "Creates or updates an host key at the specified resource with an auto generated key"
$mynewkey = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$siteBaseUrl/admin/host/keys/$keyname" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $jwt)} -Method Post).value


Newly created function apps use TLS 1.2 by default so you need to add this line at the top of the Powershell script:

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12