Getting a number of context switches for a process / thread

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-01 12:14:52

Well, let's examine the case. Linux type O/S keeps these details systematically and one may use a comfort of python, for both inspecting the state and also for easy design of a monitoring system, that can report any excessive circumstances ( the former quite matching a just out of curiosity cases, the latter quite handy for any re-work / re-use for systematic work ) :

A "Monitor" example for both { voluntary | involuntary }-Ctx Switching :

The python here serves for both the educational role and for the ease and comfort of further extending the scope of functionalities:

Having assigned signal.signal( signal.SIGALRM, SIG_ALRM_handler_A ) and the timing, the system gets ready to report both voluntary and involuntary ( enforced ) Context-Switches,
for which a "FAT"-blocking piece of computing was used, that resorts, due to historical reasons to non-GIL Numpy/C/FORTRAN code and thus gets disturbed by just involuntary-CtxSwitched cases, as was shown below
( len(str([np.math.factorial(2**f) for f in range(20)][-1])) )
by using a principally any other PID-number,
this trivial monitoring mechanics can serve for whatever other purposes:

### SIGALRM_handler_          

import psutil, resource, os, time

SIG_ALRM_last_ctx_switch_VOLUNTARY = -1
SIG_ALRM_last_ctx_switch_FORCED    = -1

def SIG_ALRM_handler_A( aSigNUM, aFrame ):                              # SIG_ALRM fired evenly even during [ np.math.factorial( 2**f ) for f in range( 20 ) ] C-based processing =======================================
    # onEntry_ROTATE_SigHandlers() -- MAY set another sub-sampled SIG_ALRM_handler_B() ... { last: 0, 0: handler_A, 1: handler_B, 2: handler_C }
    # onEntry_SEQ of calls of regular, hierarchically timed MONITORS ( just the SNAPSHOT-DATA ACQUISITION Code-SPRINTs, handle later due to possible TimeDOMAIN overlaps )
    # print( time.ctime() )
    # print( formatExtMemoryUsed( getExtMemoryUsed() ) )
    # print( 60 * "=", psutil.Process( os.getpid() ).num_ctx_switches(), "~~~", aProcess.cpu_percent( interval = 0 ) )
    #                                        ???                        # WHY CPU 0.0%
    aProcess         =   psutil.Process( os.getpid() )
    aProcessCpuPCT   =         aProcess.cpu_percent( interval = 0 )     # EVENLY-TIME-STEPPED
    aCtxSwitchNUMs   =         aProcess.num_ctx_switches()              # THIS PROCESS ( may inspect other per-incident later ... on anomaly )

    aVolCtxSwitchCNT = aCtxSwitchNUMs.voluntary
    aForcedSwitchCNT = aCtxSwitchNUMs.involuntary

    global SIG_ALRM_last_ctx_switch_VOLUNTARY
    global SIG_ALRM_last_ctx_switch_FORCED

    if (     SIG_ALRM_last_ctx_switch_VOLUNTARY != -1 ):                # .INIT VALUE STILL UNCHANGED
        # .ON_TICK: must process delta(s)
        if ( SIG_ALRM_last_ctx_switch_VOLUNTARY == aVolCtxSwitchCNT ):
            #                                                                                 |||||              vvv
            # SIG_:  Wed Oct 19 12:24:32 2016 ------------------------------ pctxsw(voluntary=48714, involuntary=315)  ~~~  0.0
            # SIG_:  Wed Oct 19 12:24:37 2016 ------------------------------ pctxsw(voluntary=48714, involuntary=323)  ~~~  0.0
            # SIG_:  Wed Oct 19 12:24:42 2016 ------------------------------ pctxsw(voluntary=48714, involuntary=331)  ~~~  0.0
            # SIG_:  Wed Oct 19 12:24:47 2016 ------------------------------ pctxsw(voluntary=48714, involuntary=338)  ~~~  0.0
            # SIG_:  Wed Oct 19 12:24:52 2016 ------------------------------ pctxsw(voluntary=48714, involuntary=346)  ~~~  0.0
            # SIG_:  Wed Oct 19 12:24:57 2016 ------------------------------ pctxsw(voluntary=48714, involuntary=353)  ~~~  0.0
            # ...                                                                             |||||              ^^^
            # 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000]
            # >>>                                                                             |||||              |||
            #                                                                                 vvvvv              |||
            # SIG_:  Wed Oct 19 12:26:17 2016 ------------------------------ pctxsw(voluntary=49983, involuntary=502)  ~~~  0.0
            # SIG_:  Wed Oct 19 12:26:22 2016 ------------------------------ pctxsw(voluntary=49984, involuntary=502)  ~~~  0.0
            # SIG_:  Wed Oct 19 12:26:27 2016 ------------------------------ pctxsw(voluntary=49985, involuntary=502)  ~~~  0.0
            # SIG_:  Wed Oct 19 12:26:32 2016 ------------------------------ pctxsw(voluntary=49986, involuntary=502)  ~~~  0.0
            # SIG_:  Wed Oct 19 12:26:37 2016 ------------------------------ pctxsw(voluntary=49987, involuntary=502)  ~~~  0.0
            # SIG_:  Wed Oct 19 12:26:42 2016 ------------------------------ pctxsw(voluntary=49988, involuntary=502)  ~~~  0.0

            #rint(   "SIG_ALRM_handler_A(): A SUSPECT CPU-LOAD:: ", time.ctime(), 10 * "-",  aProcess.num_ctx_switches(), "{0: > 8.2f} CPU_CORE_LOAD [%]".format( aProcessCpuPCT ), " INSPECT processes ... ev. add a StateFull-self-Introspection" )
            print(   "SIG_ALRM_handler_A(): A SUSPECT CPU-LOAD:: ", time.ctime(), 10 * "-",  aProcess.num_ctx_switches(), "{0:_>60s}".format( str( aProcess.threads() ) ), " INSPECT processes ... ev. add a StateFull-self-Introspection" )
            #rint(   "SIG_ALRM_handler_A(): A SUSPECT CPU-LOAD:: ", str( resource.getrusage( resource.RUSAGE_SELF ) )[22:] )
        # .ON_INIT: may report .INIT()
        #rint(   "SIG_ALRM_handler_A(): A SUSPECT CPU-LOAD:: ", time.ctime(), ...
        print(   "SIG_ALRM_handler_A(): activated            ", time.ctime(), 30 * "-",  aProcess.num_ctx_switches() )

    # FINALLY:

    SIG_ALRM_last_ctx_switch_VOLUNTARY = aVolCtxSwitchCNT               # .STO ACTUALs
    SIG_ALRM_last_ctx_switch_FORCED    = aForcedSwitchCNT               # .STO ACTUALs

    #rint(   "SIG_: ", time.ctime(), 30 * "-",  aProcess.num_ctx_switches(), " ~~~ ", aProcess.cpu_percent( interval = 0 ), " % -?- ", aProcess.threads() )

# SIG_ALRM_handler_A( aSigNUM, aFrame ):                      DEFINED

# > signal.signal(    signal.SIGALRM, SIG_ALRM_handler_A )          # .ASSOC { SIGALRM: thisHandler }
# > signal.setitimer( signal.ITIMER_REAL, 10, 5 )                   # .SET   @5 [sec] interval, after first run, starting after 10[sec] initial-delay
# > signal.setitimer( signal.ITIMER_REAL,  0, 5 )                   # .UNSET
# > SIG_ALRM_last_ctx_switch_VOLUNTARY = -1                         # .RESET .INIT() the global { signalling | state }-variable
# > len(str([np.math.factorial(2**f) for f in range(20)][-1]))      # .RUN   A "FAT"-BLOCKING CHUNK OF A regex/numpy/C/FORTRAN-calculus

Also the Thread-level CtxSwitch details

While this was not elaborated to a similar depth, the same as above applies to:

>>> psutil.Process( 18263 ).cpu_percent()                           0.0
>>> psutil.Process( 18263 ).ppid()                                  18054

>>> psutil.Process( 18054 ).cpu_percent()                           0.0
=== ( 18054 ).threads(): [ 17679, 17680, 17681, 18054, 18265, 18266, 18267, ]
                                                                                                ==4 -------------vvv-------------------=4--------------vvvv-------------------=4--------------vvv
>>> [ psutil.Process( p ).num_ctx_switches() for p in ( 18259, 18260, 18261 ) ] [pctxsw(voluntary=4, involuntary=267), pctxsw(voluntary=4, involuntary=1909), pctxsw(voluntary=4, involuntary=444)]
>>> [ psutil.Process( p ).num_ctx_switches() for p in ( 18259, 18260, 18261 ) ] [pctxsw(voluntary=4, involuntary=273), pctxsw(voluntary=4, involuntary=1915), pctxsw(voluntary=4, involuntary=445)]
>>> [ psutil.Process( p ).num_ctx_switches() for p in ( 18259, 18260, 18261 ) ] [pctxsw(voluntary=4, involuntary=275), pctxsw(voluntary=4, involuntary=1917), pctxsw(voluntary=4, involuntary=445)]