When is x:Reference in WPF resolved and why does XAML element order affect it?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-01 03:35:47

I suppose it is because your resources(Window.Resources) will be created first, before referenced instance exists. I would try to solve this through DataContext (ViewModel).

        <yourNameSpace:YourViewModel x:Name="VieModName" />
<MenuItem Header="HeadrTxt" Command="{Binding CommandInViewModelCmd}" DataContext="{x:Reference Name=VieModName}" />

Excerpted from MSDN(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee795380.aspx).

x:Reference is a construct defined in XAML 2009. In WPF, you can use XAML 2009 features, but only for XAML that is not WPF markup-compiled. Markup-compiled XAML and the BAML form of XAML do not currently support the XAML 2009 language keywords and features.

x:Reference must be avoided in WPF. Because this markup extension is a recent addition to the XAML language (2009). And it is not completely supported in WPF. Use ElementName in your Binding instead of x:Reference.

<Binding Path="SelectedItem" 

