
Passing two objects, where one holds a reference to another, into a thread

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-02-20 11:51:10
问题 I have two objects where the second one requires the fist one to outlive it because it holds a reference to the first one. I need to move both of them into a thread, but the compiler is complaining that the first one doesn't live long enough. Here is the code: use std::thread; trait Facade: Sync { fn add(&self) -> u32; } struct RoutingNode<'a> { facade: &'a (Facade + 'a), } impl<'a> RoutingNode<'a> { fn new(facade: &'a Facade) -> RoutingNode<'a> { RoutingNode { facade: facade } } } fn main()

Differences between a pointer and a reference in Rust

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-02-18 07:22:51
问题 A pointer * and a reference & in Rust share the same representation (they both represent the memory address of a piece of data). What's the practical differences when writing code though? When porting C++ code to Rust can they be replaced safely (c++ pointer --> rust pointer, c++ reference --> rust reference ) ? 回答1: Use references when you can, use pointers when you must. If you're not doing FFI or memory management beyond what the compiler can validate, you don't need to use pointers. Both

Where the 'Type' of a reference value is stored in memory?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-02-16 19:50:21
问题 As the reference values are stored in the heap as a data; where do the type information of any reference value is stored? If there are a couple of instances of class Artist; when they are stored in the heap how the .Net tags those memory blocks as type of Artist? thanks! 回答1: void M() { Artist a = new Artist(); } When the method is called, a new stack frame is expanded, CLR has some preparation code before the first statement of the method is executed, like a prolegomenon . During this period

Getting an Object by reference in Java

旧巷老猫 提交于 2021-02-16 14:30:08
问题 New to this website, and excited to share my first question :) Ok so I'm going to be explaining what I have set-up currently so that my question can be understood better. I have 2 java applications: Logic Application (Where all the heavy load occurs) Instrumented Application (Application instrumented into a running game) What I do with these 2 applications is extract information from a game using the Instrumented Application then send it to the Logic Application. The extraction of information

python: how to change the value of function's input parameter?

笑着哭i 提交于 2021-02-16 12:44:40
问题 I tried to modify the value of a string inside a function, like below: >>> def appendFlag(target, value): ... target += value ... target += " " ... >>> appendFlag <function appendFlag at 0x102933398> >>> appendFlag(m,"ok") >>> m '' Well, seems the "target" is only changed within the function, but how to make the new value viable outside the function? Thanks. 回答1: This is handled in python by returning. def appendFlag(target, value): target += value target += " " return target you can use it

python: how to change the value of function's input parameter?

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-02-16 12:40:10
问题 I tried to modify the value of a string inside a function, like below: >>> def appendFlag(target, value): ... target += value ... target += " " ... >>> appendFlag <function appendFlag at 0x102933398> >>> appendFlag(m,"ok") >>> m '' Well, seems the "target" is only changed within the function, but how to make the new value viable outside the function? Thanks. 回答1: This is handled in python by returning. def appendFlag(target, value): target += value target += " " return target you can use it

Find all variables that point to the same memory in Visual Studio

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2021-02-11 14:25:12
问题 In Visual Studio 2008, is there a way of finding all the variables that point to the same object as another variable? So in the example below I would want to find out that ref1 and ref2 both point to the same object as original . var original = new List<string>() { "Some Data" }; var ref1 = original; var ref2 = ref1; Essentially I want to be able to call ReferenceEquals() on all the variables in memory and then see all the ones that are equal. Except I want to be able to do this in the VS2008

How to handle “cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for autoref due to conflicting requirements”

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-02-11 13:38:58
问题 I have this method from ExchangeInfo struct that returns a RwLockReadGuardRef from owning_ref crate: pub fn get_pair<'a, 'me: 'a>( &'me self, name: &str, ) -> RwLockReadGuardRef<'a, TradePairHashMap, Arc<RwLock<TradePair>>> { RwLockReadGuardRef::new(|pairs| pairs.get(name).unwrap()) } I'm trying to call it here: pub async fn get_pair<'a>( name: &str, exchange_info: &'a ExchangeInfo, retrieval: &dyn ExchangeInfoRetrieval, refresh: bool, ) -> Result<OwningRef<&'a

NuGet packages project dependencies as nuget dependencies

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-02-11 12:52:24
问题 I have 3 class library projects (all .NET Standard 2.0) that are all in the same solution. I want to package them into a single nuget and use the code in other repos. However, when I package them into a NuGet package two of them are added as a nuget dependency to the third one, instead of being directly referenced as dlls. Here is an example of my setup. The 3 projects - A .csproj, B .csproj, C .csproj (All Class Libraries, All .NET Standard 2.0) A is set as a startup project and references B

How to include non-python reference files in Azure Function?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2021-02-10 18:20:39
问题 I have some Python code that references external .ttf font files. I can reference them by including them in the project root folder. I'd like to turn this code into an HTTP Triggered Azure Function. I see in the docs that I can import external Python modules and files into a Function, but what about non-Python files? How are these referenced? When Python code is run locally, they are referenced in the code as: h1_font = ImageFont.truetype("DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf", h1_size) h2_font = ImageFont