I'm searching for a finite field/galois field exact linear algebra library for C (C++ is not acceptable because I need to be able to write a Haskell-binding to it and that's apparently difficult with C++).
I found libraries for like FFLAS-FFPACK and Givaro but these are C++-template libraries :-(
In particular I want to be able to multiply 𝔽pn×1 and 𝔽p1×m matrices (vectors) to 𝔽pn×m matrices.
So, does anyone know a C or "extern C" library that is suitable?
PS: Here's my Haskell question about the same matter.
PARI/GP is opensource, is written in C and it supports some basic linear algebra over finite field.
No warranties for specific suitability from me, of course - I'm not related to the development.