Handling folds in Spyder

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-01 01:02:57


I am coming from a VScode background , and for my recent project (on Deep Learning) I am having to manage huge code files in Spyder (Version 3), and I am not seeing any option of code folding?

I am not willing to switch to another IDE , as Spyder is very productive for my project.

Please suggest any hack to do it , if it is not there in the Spyder codebase.


(Spyder maintainer here) You can install the first beta of Spyder 4 to get code folding.

If you use Anaconda, you need to use the following command:

conda install -c spyder-ide spyder=4.0.0b1

or if you use pip, then you need to run

pip install -U --pre spyder

This beta is quite stable and it has been tested for more than a year.

