Reference Classes, tab completion and forced method definition

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-11-30 13:55:58

I wonder what your objective is? Function names showing up with tab completion? Then it's worth a post to the R-devel mailing list with a feature request. The original scenario is more elegantly handled with usingMethods as documented on ?setRefClass. A continued hack might be

initialize = function(...) {
    methods <- getRefClass(class(.self))$methods()
    eval(parse(text=paste0(".self$", methods)))

Tab completions can be customized via .DollarNames in the utils package, so

.DollarNames.TEST <- function(x, pattern)
    grep(pattern, getRefClass(class(x))$methods(), value=TRUE)

Maybe an S3 method could be written at the base of your class hierarchy for this?

I know this is an old question but it is still the top entry when searching for refClass tab completion on google, so I'll just add an update:

Instead of using grep in the .DollarNames function as suggested by Martin, use findMatches from the utils package as it plays better with the different Rgui's around (grep will delete your partially typed name upon hitting tab)

.DollarNames.TEST <- function(x, pattern){
    utils:::findMatches(pattern, getRefClass(class(x))$methods())

This is also how tab completion is handled internally for lists and data.frames

@Martin Morgan noted that this was termed tab completion. The package rcompletion and later rcompgen were tasked with achieving this. They have been now moved to utils.

rcompletion update

I looked thru the code for completion.R and from what I could determine utils:::.DollarNames.environment was handling tab completion for reference classes.


Redefining the function seemed to achieve tab completion:

assignInNamespace( x = ".DollarNames.environment",
                     function(x, pattern = "") {
    y <- NULL
    if(isS4(x) && !is.null(x[['.refClassDef']])){
        y<-ls(y, all.names = TRUE, pattern = pattern)
    x<-ls(x, all.names = TRUE, pattern = pattern)
,ns = "utils")

Some things to note:

  • I would only use this for my own use. Currently I am debugging and documenting a package. I had some longish method names and couldnt remember exactly what they were so tab completion will help greatly.

  • Usage of assignInNamespace in a package is frowned upon (if not banned) see ?assignInNamespace.

  • Forced definition of methods is more advisable.
