Additional Icon in App Name/Lable

二次信任 提交于 2019-11-30 06:42:39


How can I add an additional icon to the Name/Lable of app, just the like snapshot of my test device Home screen (see highlighted Water app, in the attached screenshot). You can see that there is a small icon at the end of App Name/Label.

PS: I'm not sure, if its part of the Application icon, or there is some way to add an additional icon to App Name/Label.



This is an Emoji character. See Emoji on Wikipedia and iOS: Understanding emoji for more information about these. They are special unicode characters that are very popular in countries like Japan. iOS has support for these throughout the OS, and you can see these characters on the Wikipedia page by visiting it with Safari.

You can put these characters into the "Bundle display name" (CFBundleDisplayName) of your Info.plist (or InfoPlist.strings) and they will appear correctly on the home screen of the device:

I'm not sure if this is officially allowed by Apple.

