There are plenty of documents that show how to add a matcher to a Jasmine spec (here, for example).
Has anyone found a way to add matchers to the whole environment; I'm wanting to create a set of useful matchers to be called by any and all tests, without copypasta all over my specs.
Currently working to reverse engineer the source, but would prefer a tried and true method, if one exists.
Sure, you just call beforeEach()
without any spec scoping at all, and add matchers there.
This would globally add a toBeOfType
beforeEach(function() {
var matchers = {
toBeOfType: function(typeString) {
return typeof this.actual == typeString;
describe('Thing', function() {
// matchers available here.
I've made a file named spec_helper.js
full of things like custom matchers that I just need to load onto the page before I run the rest of the spec suite.
Here's one for jasmine 2.0+:
toEqualData: function() {
return {
compare: function(actual, expected) {
return { pass: angular.equals(actual, expected) };
Note that this uses angular's angular.equals
Edit: I didn't know it was an internal implementation that may be subjected to change. Use at your own risk.
Based on previous answers, I created the following setup for angular-cli. I also need an external module in my matcher (in this case moment.js)
Note In this example I added an equalityTester, but it should work with a customer matcher
Create a file src/spec_helper.ts
with the following contents:
// Import module
import { Moment } from 'moment';
export function initSpecHelper() {
beforeEach(() => {
// Add your matcher
jasmine.addCustomEqualityTester((a: Moment, b: Moment) => {
if (typeof a.isSame === 'function') {
return a.isSame(b);
Then, in src/test.ts
import the initSpecHelper()
function add execute it. I placed it before Angular's TestBed init, wich seems to work just fine.
import { initSpecHelper } from './spec_helper';
// Prevent Karma from running prematurely.
__karma__.loaded = function () {};
// Init our own spec helper
// First, initialize the Angular testing environment.