Use of unresolved identifier NSCalendarUnitDay

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-11-29 11:01:58

Use .CalendarUnitDay. NSCalendar is a native Objective-C framework and the error messages aren't for swift.

I think Apple thought the name of those units weren't meaningful like .DayCalendarUnit, so they have modified it to sound more sensible and explanative as .CalendarUnitDay.

Similar modifications have been done in Objective-C. NSDayCalendarUnit is deprecated and you have to use NSCalendarUnitDay.

The problem in your case is that you are receiving deprecation warning of Objective-C instead of Swift. We hope Apple fixes it soon.

Hope that explains...

in Xcode 7.3 use .Day which is a property of NSCalendarUnit struct
