RecyclerView.Adapter.notifyItemMoved(0,1) scrolls screen

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-11-29 10:31:40

Call scrollToPosition(0) after moving items. Unfortunately, i assume, LinearLayoutManager tries to keep first item stable, which moves so it moves the list with it.

Sadly the workaround presented by yigit scrolls the RecyclerView to the top. This is the best workaround I found till now:

// figure out the position of the first visible item
int firstPos = manager.findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
int offsetTop = 0;
if(firstPos >= 0) {
    View firstView = manager.findViewByPosition(firstPos);
    offsetTop = manager.getDecoratedTop(firstView) - manager.getTopDecorationHeight(firstView);

// apply changes

// reapply the saved position
if(firstPos >= 0) {
    manager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(firstPos, offsetTop);