Maven Wagon SCP is not able to establish a connection

余生长醉 提交于 2019-11-29 05:08:24
Charles Hu

maven apparently requires a ssh-rsa entry in the known_hosts file for the jenkins user. You can add the ssh-rsa entry to the file by issuing:

ssh-keyscan -t rsa YOUR_REMOTE_HOSTNAME >> ~jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts

[[ Added from another answer to make this one definitive. ]]

Instead, you might be able to add the following to the ~jenkins/.ssh/config. See: How to Avoid Maven builds stall on ssh host authenticity problem?

StrictHostKeyChecking no

The problem was that RSA keys were not exchanged.

so what I did was that, I connected both the servers from command line. So the RSA keys got stored and

Are you sure you want to continue connecting? (yes/no): The authenticity of host 'address' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 10:.......:bb.

this message stopped. It works perfectly now

This is what we use to populate known_hosts file on jenkins node:

                import com.jcraft.jsch.*;
                import org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.ssh.knownhost.*;

                def keyString = "<REPLACE_WITH_HOST_KEY>" // host key - the line from known_hosts after key type (ssh-rsa)

                FileKnownHostsProvider fkhp = new FileKnownHostsProvider();

                JSch sch = new JSch();
                sch.setKnownHosts(new ByteArrayInputStream(fkhp.getContents().getBytes()));

                def host = // define <serverAddress></serverAddress> in <properties> 

                if (host != null) {
                  HostKeyRepository hkr = sch.getHostKeyRepository();
                  HostKey[] hk = hkr.getHostKey( host , null );

                  StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();

                  String knownHost = host + " " + "ssh-rsa" + " " + keyString;

                  if ( hk != null )

                    PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter( stringWriter )
                    def containsKey = false;
                    for ( HostKey key : hk )
                      def toAdd =  key.getHost() + " " + key.getType() + " " + key.getKey();
                      w.println(toAdd)  ;
                      containsKey = knownHost.equals(toAdd);
                    if (!containsKey) {
                      println "Adding key for " + host + " to known_hosts"
                      fkhp.storeKnownHosts(stringWriter.toString() );
                    } else {
                      println "Key for " + host + " is already present in known_hosts"

Seems to work pretty well.
