How to block incoming SMS in iPhone jailbreak + code

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-11-29 04:54:48

You're question isn't clear enough. Do you want them to be dropped completely so they won't even be in the Message App (and the database) or do you just want SpringBoard to not notify the user of an incoming message?

For the first one you will have to hook the process which actually sends out that notification which you are listening to in your code sniplet. I'm pretty sure that you'll have to tinker with imagent (/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMCore.framework/

For the second one you'll have to play around in SpringBoard. Since iOS 5.0 BulletinBoard is handling the notifications to the user, so you could block it there. (You probably wanna check out the SMSBBPlugin which is a BulletinBoard plugin).

Or just fire up your disassembler of choice and see how tweaks like biteSMS are doing it ;)

Keep in mind that jailbreak tweak development sometimes requires a lot of reversing and tinkering and most people will keep huge parts of their findings to themselves.
