Adding lagged variables to an lm model?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-11-28 17:34:01

Have a look at e.g. the dynlm package which gives you lag operators. More generally the Task Views on Econometrics and Time Series will have lots more for you to look at.

Here is the beginning of its examples -- a one and twelve month lag:

R>      data("UKDriverDeaths", package = "datasets")
R>      uk <- log10(UKDriverDeaths)
R>      dfm <- dynlm(uk ~ L(uk, 1) + L(uk, 12))
R>      dfm

Time series regression with "ts" data:
Start = 1970(1), End = 1984(12)

dynlm(formula = uk ~ L(uk, 1) + L(uk, 12))

(Intercept)     L(uk, 1)    L(uk, 12)  
      0.183        0.431        0.511  

Hugh Perkins

Following Dirk's suggestion on dynlm, I couldn't quite figure out how to predict, but searching for that led me to dyn package via

Then after several hours of experimentation I came up with the following function to handle the prediction. There were quite a few 'gotcha's on the way, eg you can't seem to rbind time series, and the result of predict is offset by start and a whole bunch of things like that, so I feel this answer adds significantly compared to just naming a package, though I have upvoted Dirk's answer.

So, a solution that works is:

  • use the dyn package
  • use the following method for prediction

predictDyn method:

# pass in training data, test data,
# it will step through one by one
# need to give dependent var name, so that it can make this into a timeseries
predictDyn <- function( model, train, test, dependentvarname ) {
    Ntrain <- nrow(train)
    Ntest <- nrow(test)
    # can't rbind ts's apparently, so convert to numeric first
    train[,dependentvarname] <- as.numeric(train[,dependentvarname])
    test[,dependentvarname] <- as.numeric(test[,dependentvarname])
    testtraindata <- rbind( train, test )
    testtraindata[,dependentvarname] <- ts( as.numeric( testtraindata[,dependentvarname] ) )
    for( i in 1:Ntest ) {
       result <- predict(model,newdata=testtraindata,subset=1:(Ntrain+i-1))
       testtraindata[Ntrain+i,dependentvarname] <- result[Ntrain + i + 1 - start(result)][1]
    return( testtraindata[(Ntrain+1):(Ntrain + Ntest),] )

Example usage:


# size of training and test data
N <- 6
predictN <- 10

# create training data, which we can get exact fit on, so we can check the results easily
traindata <- c(1,2)
for( i in 3:N ) { traindata[i] <- 0.5 + 1.3 * traindata[i-2] + 1.7 * traindata[i-1] }
train <- data.frame( y = ts( traindata ), foo = 1)

# create testing data, bunch of NAs
test <- data.frame( y = ts( rep(NA,predictN) ), foo = 1)

# fit a model
model <- dyn$lm( y ~ lag(y,-1) + lag(y,-2), train )
# look at the model, it's a perfect fit. Nice!

test <- predictDyn( model, train, test, "y" )

# nice plot
plot(test$y, type='l')


> model

lm(formula = dyn(y ~ lag(y, -1) + lag(y, -2)), data = train)

(Intercept)   lag(y, -1)   lag(y, -2)  
        0.5          1.7          1.3  

> test
             y foo
7     143.2054   1
8     325.6810   1
9     740.3247   1
10   1682.4373   1
11   3823.0656   1
12   8686.8801   1
13  19738.1816   1
14  44848.3528   1
15 101902.3358   1
16 231537.3296   1

Edit: hmmm, this is super slow though. Even if I limit the data in the subset to a constant few rows of the dataset, it takes about 24 milliseconds per prediction, or, for my task, 0.024*7*24*8*20*10/60/60 = 1.792 hours :-O

Try the ARIMA function. The AR parameter is for auto-regressive, which means lagged y. xreg = allows you to add other X variables. You can get predictions with predict.ARIMA.

Here's a thought:

Why don't you create a new data frame? Fill a data frame with the regressors you need. You could have columns like L1, L2, ..., Lp for all lags of any variable you want and, then, you get to use your functions exactly like you would for a cross-section type of regression.

Because you will not have to operate on your data every time you call fitting and prediction functions, but will have transformed the data once, it will be considerably faster. I know that Eviews and Stata provide lagging operators. It is true that there is some convenience to it. But it also is inefficient if you do not need everything functions like 'lm' compute. If you have a few hundreds of thousands of iterations to perform and you just need the forecast, or the forecast and the value of information criteria like BIC or AIC, you can beat 'lm' in speed by avoiding to make computations that you will not use -- just write an OLS estimator in a function and you're good to go.
