Blackberry runtime error: FRIDG: could not find img/logo.png

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-11-28 14:34:22
  1. Filenames and extensions are case sensitive. logo.png and logo.PNG are different files from application's point of view. So, be careful with naming files and folders.

  2. The root folder for images you get in your application is the root folder of your source files package.

For instance, if you have the following folder structure:


Then the root folder for your images will be: YourProject\src

Image files located in YourProject\img folder are invisible for your application code, unless img folder is located in YourProject\src and the full path is:


and your image file has the full path like that:


In this case you can load the image via specifying it's path: img\logo.png

and without it, just via specifying: logo.png

Specifying the full path is recommended if you have several images with similar filenames.

If you have several files logo.png in your project, and you load it via specifying only file name "logo.png" then the first found image from your project will be loaded.

Resume: transfer your img folder into the src folder.

Not sure if this is the same as your problem, but when I get those types of errors, it usually means that I need to force the project in Eclipse to refresh (right-click on project and choose Refresh) and then rebuild.
