Linear regression in R with if statement [duplicate]

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-11-28 14:30:57

If looks like there are a few issues here. First, you've stored all your data in separate vectors rent, income and black. You should instead store it in a data frame:

data <- data.frame(rent, income, black)

To limit a data frame based on a logical expression, you can use the subset function: <- subset(data, black == 1)

Finally, you can run your analysis on your limited data frame (presumably without the black variable):

model3 <- lm(rent~I(income^2)+income,

Why not subset the data before running the model? I personally prefer using a dataframe rather than separate vectors which will make the subsetting easier.

df <- data.frame(rent, income, black)

Then subset the dataframe, o create another one

df <- df[df$black==1,]

And run the model

model3 <- lm(rent ~ I(income^2) , data=df)
Isidro Jr

The code written below should do it.

model3 <- lm(rent~I(income^2)+income+black, data=df, subset=df$black==1))